

The type of border for the control.

Applies to

Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, OLE, Picture, Report, TableBlob, and Text controls


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"controlname.Border { = 'value ' }"


   Column ( ... Border = value ... )
   Text ( ... Border = value ... )




The name of the control whose border you want to get or set.

When generating DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the Border setting applies to all columns or all text controls.


(exp) A number specifying the type of border.

Values are:

0 -- None

1 -- Shadow

2 -- Rectangle

3 -- Resize

4 -- Line

5 -- 3D Lowered

6 -- 3D Raised

The value can be a quoted DataWindow painter expression.

When you change between Resize and another border, change the Resizeable property too so that the control's appearance and behavior match.

For columns, you can access the Border property with the GetBorderStyle and SetBorderStyle methods.

The "3D Lowered" style will take effect only when the Windows classic style option is selected. Select "Enable Windows Classic Style in the IDE" in the System Options for this style to take effect when running the application from the IDE; and select "Windows classic style" in the project painter for this style to take effect when running the application executable.


In the painter

Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.

Changing the Border setting between Resize and another border affects the Resizeable option on the Position tab. To make another border resizable, choose the border then reset Resizeable.

For examples of other ways to set properties, using Border as an example, see What you can do with DataWindow object properties.


string ls_data
ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Border
ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name_t.Border")
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sql_syntax, &
"Style(...) Column(Border=5 ...) ...", ls_Errors)