Example 3: creating a row indicator

This example demonstrates the use of several functions: Bitmap, Case, CurrentRow, GetRow, and RGB.

What you want to do

Using the Employee table in the Enterprise Application Sample Database, you create a DataWindow object using the Emp_id, Emp_fname, Emp_lname, and Salary columns.

In the painter, you want to display a number of items such as the number of the current row, an arrow that is an indicator of the current row, and the salary for an employee with a background color that depends on what the salary is.

How to do it

In the workspace, add the following:

  • A computed field CurrentRow( ), which displays the number of the current row.

  • A picture object, which is a right-arrow, for which you define an expression for the arrow's visible property:

    If(CurrentRow()= GetRow(), 1, 0)

    The expression causes an arrow to display in the current row and no arrow to display in other rows.

  • A computed field using the If, CurrentRow, and GetRow functions:

    If(CurrentRow() = GetRow(),"Current","Not current")

    displays the word "Current" when the row is the current row and "Not current" for all other rows.

  • A computed field (typed on one line) using the Bitmap, CurrentRow, and GetRow functions:

    Bitmap(If(CurrentRow()= GetRow(), "c:\sampl\ex\code\indicatr.bmp", " "))

    displays an arrow bitmap for the current row and no bitmap for all other rows.

  • An expression for the Background.Color property of the salary column:

    Case(salary WHEN IS >60000 THEN RGB(192,192,192)
    WHEN IS >40000 THEN RGB(0,255,0) ELSE

    The expression causes a salary above $40,000 to display in green, a salary above $60,000 to display in gray, and all other salaries to display in white.

What you get

Here is what the design of the DataWindow object looks like:

Here is what the data looks like with the second row current.

Notice that the number of the current row is 2; the first row and the third row are "Not current" (and therefore display no bitmap); and the second row, which is the current row, displays the arrow row indicator.

On your screen, the salary in the first row has a green background because it is more than $40,000; the salary in the second row has a gray background because it is more than $60,000; and the salary in the third row has a white background, which matches the background of the DataWindow object.