Gets the day of the week of a date value and returns the number of the weekday.
DayNumber ( date )
Return value
Integer. Returns an integer (1-7) representing the day of the week of date. Sunday is day 1, Monday is day 2, and so on.
This expression for a computed field returns Wrong Day if the date in start_date is not a Sunday or a Monday:
If(DayNumber(start_date) > 2, "Okay", "Wrong Day")
This expression for a computed field returns Wrong Day if the date in end_date is not a Saturday or a Sunday:
If(DayNumber(end_date) > 1 and DayNumber(end_date) < 7, "Okay", "Wrong Day")
This validation rule for the column end_date ensures that the day is not a Saturday or Sunday:
DayNumber(end_date) >1 and DayNumber(end_date) < 7
See also
DayNumber in the section called “DayNumber” in PowerScript Reference