The type of graph, such as bar, pie, column, and so on.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.GraphType { = ' typeinteger ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The graph control for which you want to get or change the type. |
typeinteger |
(exp) An integer identifying the type of graph in the DataWindow object. Typeinteger can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are: |
1 -- Area 2 -- Bar 3 -- Bar3D 4 -- Bar3DObj 5 -- BarStacked 6 -- BarStacked3DObj 7 -- Col 8 -- Col3D 9 -- Col3DObj |
10 -- ColStacked 11 -- ColStacked3DObj 12 -- Line 13 -- Pie 14 -- Scatter 15 -- Area3D 16 -- Line3D 17 -- Pie3D |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.GraphType dw1.Object.graph_1.GraphType = 17 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.GraphType") dw1.Modify("graph_1.GraphType=17")