
The file name of the icon for a TreeView node in a TreeView level band when the icon is in either the expanded or collapsed state. You set the icon file name separately for each TreeView level band.

Applies to

TreeView DataWindows


Describe and Modify argument:

" { = value } "




The number of the level for which you want to specify an icon. The level number must exist.


A property that indicates whether the icon specified is for the expanded or collapsed state. Values are:

  • CollapsedTreeNodeIconName

  • ExpandedTreeNodeIconName


(exp) A string value that is the file name of the tree node icon in the selected TreeView level band.

Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression.


In the painter

Select the level by clicking the gray divider for the band. Specify a file name and location in the Collapsed Tree Node Icon File and Expanded Tree Node Icon File boxes on the General tab in the Properties view for the band. These properties are disabled if Use Tree Node Icon is not selected on the General tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow.

You cannot get or set these properties using dot notation.


The following example gets the name of the icon used when a level 1 node is collapsed:

string ls_ico
ls_ico = dw_tview.Describe  &