

Sets a menu to the button in the RibbonBar control.

Applies to

RibbonApplicationButtonItem, RibbonTabButtonItem, RibbonLargeButtonItem, RibbonSmallButtonItem controls


For RibbonApplicationButtonItem:

controlname.SetMenu ( RibbonApplicationMenu ApplicationMenu )

For RibbonTabButtonItem, RibbonLargeButtonItem, and RibbonSmallButtonItem:

controlname.SetMenu ( RibbonMenu Menu )




The name of the RibbonApplicationButtonItem, RibbonTabButtonItem, RibbonLargeButtonItem, or RibbonSmallButtonItem control.


The RibbonApplicationMenu item you want to set.


The RibbonMenu item you want to set.

Return value


Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, returns null.


A RibbonApplicationMenu control can contain a master menu and a recent menu. The master menu can have no more than two levels. The recent menu can have only one level; and can contain no more than 9 items. Only the menu item with the "Normal" or "Separator" type (that is RibbonMenuItem with ItemType 0 or 1) can be added as a master menu item. Only the menu item with the "Recent" type (that is RibbonMenuItem with ItemType 2) can be added as a recent menu item. See InsertMasterItem and InsertRecentItem for more.

A RibbonMenu control can contain menu items in no more than two levels. Only menu items with the "Normal" or "Separator" type (that is RibbonMenuItem with ItemType 0 or 1) can be added to the RibbonMenu control. See InsertItem for more.

Example 1

This example sets a menu to the "MyApp" application button. The menu includes an "Account" master menu item and a "RecentItem1" recent menu item.

Integer li_Return
RibbonApplicationButtonItem lr_AppButton
RibbonApplicationMenu lr_AppMenu

lr_AppMenu.InsertMasterItemFirst ("Account", "AccountBig!", "ue_AccountMenuClicked")
lr_AppMenu.InsertRecentItemFirst ("RecentItem1", "ue_RecentMenuClicked")
lr_AppButton.Text = "MyApp"
li_Return = lr_AppButton.SetMenu (lr_AppMenu)
If li_Return = 1 Then
 li_Return = rbb_1.SetApplicationButton (lr_AppButton)
End If

Example 2

This example sets a menu to a tab button. The menu includes an "Add" menu item.

Integer li_Return
RibbonTabButtonItem lr_TabButton
RibbonMenu lr_Menu

lr_Menu.InsertItemFirst ("Add", "AddSmall!", "Ue_AddMenuClicked")
li_Return = lr_TabButton.SetMenu (lr_Menu)

See also

