The Sort event has different arguments for different objects:
Occurs for each comparison when the ListView is being sorted.
Event ID
Argument |
Description |
index1 |
Integer by value (the index of one item being compared during a sorting operation) |
index2 |
Integer by value (the index of the second item being compared) |
column |
Integer by value (the number of the column containing the items being sorted) |
Return Values
Return code choices (specify in a RETURN statement):
-1 -- index1 is less than index2
0 -- index1 is equal to index2
1 -- index1 is greater than index2
The Sort event allows you to fine-tune the sort order of the items being sorted. You can examine the properties of each item and tell the Sort function how to sort them by selecting one of the return codes.
You typically use the Sort event when you want to sort ListView items based on multiple criteria such as a PictureIndex and Label.
The Sort event occurs if you call the Sort event, or when you call the Sort function using the UserDefinedSort! argument.
This example sorts ListView items according to PictureIndex and Label sorting by PictureIndex first, and then by label:
ListViewItem lvi, lvi2 This.GetItem(index1, lvi) This.GetItem(index2, lvi2) IF lvi.PictureIndex > lvi2.PictureIndex THEN RETURN 1 ELSEIF lvi.PictureIndex < lvi2.PictureIndex THEN RETURN -1 ELSEIF lvi.label > lvi2.label THEN RETURN 1 ELSEIF lvi.label < lvi2.label THEN RETURN -1 ELSE RETURN 0 END IF
Occurs for each comparison when the TreeView is being sorted.
Event ID
Argument |
Description |
handle1 |
Long by value (the handle of one item being compared during a sorting operation) |
handle2 |
Long by value (the handle of the second item being compared) |
Return Values
Return code choices (specify in a RETURN statement):
-1 -- handle1 is less than handle2
0 -- handle1 is equal to handle2
1 -- handle1 is greater than handle2
The Sort event allows you to fine-tune the sort order of the items being sorted. You can examine the properties of each item and tell the Sort function how to sort them by selecting one of the return codes.
You typically use the Sort event when you want to sort TreeView items based on multiple criteria such as a PictureIndex and Label.
The Sort event occurs if you call the Sort event, or when you call the Sort function using the UserDefinedSort! argument.
This example sorts TreeView items according to PictureIndex and Label sorting by PictureIndex first, then by label:
TreeViewItem tvi, tvi2 This.GetItem(handle1, tvi) This.GetItem(handle2, tvi2) IF tvi.PictureIndex > tvi2.PictureIndex THEN RETURN 1 ELSEIF tvi.PictureIndex < tvi2.PictureIndex THEN RETURN -1 ELSEIF tvi.Label > tvi2.Label THEN RETURN 1 ELSEIF tvi.Label < tvi2.Label THEN RETURN -1 ELSE RETURN 0 END IF