Determines whether the current transaction, in which an EAServer component participates, has been aborted.
Obsolete function
IsTransactionAborted is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
TransactionServer objects
transactionserver.IsTransactionAborted ( )
Return value
Returns true if the current transaction has been aborted and false if it has not.
The IsTransactionAborted function allows a component to verify that the current transaction is still viable before performing updates to the database.The IsTransactionAborted function corresponds to the isRollbackOnly transaction primitive in EAServer.
The following example checks to see whether the transaction has been aborted. If it has not, it updates the database and calls EnableCommit. If it has been aborted, it calls DisableCommit.
// Instance variables: ids_datastore, ts Integer li_rc long ll_rv li_rc = this.GetContextService("TransactionServer", ts) IF li_rc <> 1 THEN // handle the error END IF ... IF ts.IsTransactionAborted() = FALSE THEN ll_rv = ids_datastore.Update() IF ll_rv = 1 THEN ts.EnableCommit() ELSE ts.DisableCommit() END IF END IF
See also