Obtains the top sheet in the MDI frame, which may or may not be active.
Applies to
MDI frame windows
mdiframewindow.GetFirstSheet ( )
Return value
Window. Returns the first (top) sheet in the MDI frame. If no sheet is open in the frame, GetFirstSheet returns an invalid value. If mdiframewindow is null, GetFirstSheet returns null.
To cycle through the open sheets in a frame, use GetFirstSheet and GetNextSheet. Do not use these functions in combination with GetActiveSheet.
Did GetFirstSheet return a valid window?
Use the IsValid function to find out if the return value is valid. If it is not, then no sheet is open.
This script for a menu selection returns the top sheet in the MDI frame:
window wSheet string wName wSheet = ParentWindow.GetFirstSheet() IF IsValid(wSheet) THEN // There is an open sheet wName = wsheet.ClassName() MessageBox("First Sheet is", wName) END IF
See also