Indicates whether a component is executing in a transaction.
Obsolete function
IsInTransaction is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
TransactionServer objects
transactionserver.IsInTransaction ( )
Return value
Returns true if the component is executing as part of a transaction and false if it is not.
Component methods can call IsInTransaction to determine whether they are executing within a transaction.
Methods in components that are declared to be transactional always execute as part of a transaction.
Methods in components that have a transaction type of Supports Transaction may or may not be running in the context of an EAServer transaction, depending on whether the component is instantiated directly by a base client or by another component. In components that have this transaction type, you can use IsInTransaction to determine whether the component is running in a transaction.
The IsInTransaction function corresponds to the isInTransaction transaction primitive in EAServer.
The following example shows the use of the IsInTransaction function:
TransactionServer ts Integer li_rc long ll_rv li_rc = this.GetContextService("TransactionServer", & ts) IF ts.IsInTransaction = TRUE THEN // execute logic based on the transaction context END IF
See also