PowerServer Toolkit User Guide

Appeon® PowerServer® 2019


DOCUMENT ID: ADC20231-01-2019-01

LAST REVISED: August 15, 2019

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Table of Contents

PowerServer Toolkit in PowerBuilder
Web and/or mobile application development with PowerServer Toolkit
Before You Begin
Installing Appeon PowerServer
Configuring application database connectivity
Starting PowerServer
Configuring PowerServer Toolkit
Using PowerServer Toolkit Configuration Wizard
Configuring basic settings
Selecting PBL file(s)
Configuring deployment settings
Selecting DB Type(s)
Declaring transaction object(s)
Selecting image files
Selecting INI files
Selecting External files
Using Configure Tool
Managing application profiles
Managing database type profiles
Managing server profiles
Managing deployment profiles
Managing data source profiles
Using UFA Tool
Analyzing an application
Tasks required before you perform feature analysis
Accessing the UFA tool
Performing feature analysis
Undetected Unsupported Features
Working with UFA Report
Modifying unsupported features
Manipulating the UFA Report
Deploying PowerBuilder Applications
Deployment performance
Speed of Deployment Process
Deployment duration for full deployments
Deployment duration for incremental deployments
Deployment process
Preparing the PowerBuilder application
Specifying the deployment settings
Deploying the PowerBuilder application
Debugging Appeon Web Applications
Important Requirements
Introduction to the debugging procedure
Starting Appeon Debugger
Views in Appeon Debugger
Setting breakpoints
Code lines that can be set as breakpoints
Methods for setting breakpoints
Running the application in debug mode
Examining an application at a breakpoint
Special variable and expression handlings
Adding variables or expressions to Watch view
Changing the value of a variable or expression
Evaluating an expression
Examining context in Call Stack view
Stepping through the application
Fixing the code/stopping the debug procedure
Running Appeon Applications
Requirements for running Web app
Windows account privileges
Internet Explorer settings
Language setting requirements
Disabling anti pop-up software
URLs of Appeon applications
Running Appeon applications
Launching applications from the Run button
Installing Appeon Workspace and mobile apps on mobile device
Installing IWA apps
Selecting a run mode for the Web app
Appeon DataWindow menu
Enabling Appeon DataWindow menu
Using Appeon DataWindow Menu
Using Information Manager
Viewing the reports and logs
Packaging Applications
Packaging a server deployment project
What can be packaged?
Packaging instructions
Modifying the deploy-config file
Installing and uninstalling an application to the server
Preparing for the mobile package
Preparations for the iOS package
Preparations for the Android package
Preparations for the Appeon Workspace package
Packaging a stand-alone mobile project
Points to check before packaging
What will be packaged?
Packaging instructions
Customizing and packaging Appeon Workspace
Undeploying Appeon Applications
Undeploying instructions
Undeploying with the Deployment Profile mode
Undeploying with the PowerServer mode
Developing with Code Insight
Activating Code Insight
Configuring Code Insight
Enabling Code Insight
Coding with Code Insight
Launching AEM
Launching AEM
Appeon PowerServer Help