Connecting to Your Database

Appeon InfoMaker® 2019


DOCUMENT ID: DC37791-01-1900-01

LAST REVISED: May 29, 2019

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Table of Contents

Introduction to Database Connections
Understanding Data Connections
How to find the information you need
Accessing data in InfoMaker
Accessing the Demo Database
Using database profiles
About creating database profiles
Creating a database profile
What to do next
Working with Standard Database Interfaces
Using the ODBC Interface
Using the ODBC interface
What is ODBC?
Using ODBC in InfoMaker
Components of an ODBC connection
Types of ODBC drivers
Ensuring the proper ODBC driver conformance levels
Obtaining ODBC drivers
Getting help with ODBC drivers
Preparing ODBC data sources
Defining ODBC data sources
How InfoMaker accesses the data source
Defining multiple data sources for the same data
Displaying Help for ODBC drivers
Selecting an ODBC translator
Defining the ODBC interface
SAP SQL Anywhere
Supported versions for SQL Anywhere
Basic software components for SQL Anywhere
Preparing to use the SQL Anywhere data source
Defining the SQL Anywhere data source
Support for Transact-SQL special timestamp columns
What to do next
Using the JDBC Interface
About the JDBC interface
What is JDBC?
Components of a JDBC connection
JDBC registry entries
Supported versions for JDBC
Supported JDBC datatypes
Preparing to use the JDBC interface
Defining the JDBC interface
Using the OLE DB interface
About the OLE DB interface
What is OLE DB?
Components of an OLE DB connection
Obtaining OLE DB data providers
Supported versions for OLE DB
Preparing to use the OLE DB interface
Defining the OLE DB interface
Using the ADO.NET interface
About the InfoMaker ADO.NET database interface
Components of an ADO.NET connection
OLE DB data providers
Preparing to use the ADO.NET interface
Defining the ADO.NET interface
Working with Native Database Interfaces
Using Native Database Interfaces
About native database interfaces
What is a native database interface?
Components of a database interface connection
Using a native database interface
Supported versions for Informix
Supported Informix datatypes
Basic software components for Informix
Preparing to use the Informix database
Defining the Informix database interface
What to do next
Microsoft SQL Server
Supported versions for SQL Server
Supported SQL Server datatypes
Basic software components for Microsoft SQL Server
Preparing to use the SQL Server database
Defining the SQL Server database interface
Migrating from the MSS or OLE DB database interfaces
SQL Server 2008 features
Notes on using the SNC interface
Supported versions for Oracle
Supported Oracle datatypes
Basic software components for Oracle
Preparing to use the Oracle database
Defining the Oracle database interface
Using Oracle stored procedures as a data source
Using Oracle user-defined types
What to do next
Adaptive Server Enterprise
Supported versions for Adaptive Server
Supported Adaptive Server datatypes
Basic software components for Adaptive Server
Preparing to use the Adaptive Server database
Defining the Adaptive Server database interface
Using Open Client security services
Using Open Client directory services
Using PRINT statements in Adaptive Server stored procedures
Creating a DataWindow based on a heterogeneous cross-database join
What to do next
Installing InfoMaker stored procedures in Adaptive Server databases
What are the InfoMaker stored procedure scripts?
How to run the scripts
Using the DirectConnect interface
Basic software components for the DirectConnect interface
Supported versions for the DirectConnect interface
Supported DirectConnect interface datatypes
Preparing to use the database with DirectConnect
Defining the DirectConnect interface
Creating the extended attribute system tables in DB2 databases
Creating the extended attribute system tables
Using the DB2SYSPB.SQL script
Working with Database Connections
Managing Database Connections
About database connections
When database connections occur
Using database profiles
Connecting to a database
Selecting a database profile
What happens when you connect
Specifying passwords in database profiles
Maintaining database profiles
Sharing database profiles
About shared database profiles
Setting up shared database profiles
Using shared database profiles to connect
Making local changes to shared database profiles
Maintaining shared database profiles
Importing and exporting database profiles
About the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables
Logging on to your database for the first time
Displaying the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables
Contents of the extended attribute system tables
Controlling system table access
Setting Additional Connection Parameters
Basic steps for setting connection parameters
About the Database Profile Setup dialog box
Setting database parameters
Setting database parameters in the development environment
Setting database preferences
Setting database preferences in the development environment
Troubleshooting Your Connection
Overview of troubleshooting tools
Using the Database Trace tool
About the Database Trace tool
Starting the Database Trace tool
Stopping the Database Trace tool
Specifying a nondefault Database Trace log
Using the Database Trace log
Sample Database Trace output
Using the ODBC Driver Manager Trace
About ODBC Driver Manager Trace
Starting ODBC Driver Manager Trace
Stopping ODBC Driver Manager Trace
Viewing the ODBC Driver Manager Trace log
Sample ODBC Driver Manager Trace output
Using the JDBC Driver Manager Trace
About JDBC Driver Manager Trace
Starting JDBC Driver Manager Trace
Stopping JDBC Driver Manager Trace
Viewing the JDBC Driver Manager Trace log
Adding Functions to the PBODB190 Initialization File
About the PBODB190 initialization file
Adding functions to PBODB190.INI