Starting Status Monitor

Step 1: Locate the bin subdirectory under <Appeon Home>/bin where appeonmonitor.bat (Windows) or (Unix/Linux) is stored. For example: D:\wildfly-18.0.0.Final\appeon\bin.

Step 2: Run the appeonmonitor.bat file (Windows) or (Unix/Linux) to start Status Monitor.

Note: In Unix/Linux, be sure to run Status Monitor in the background by executing the command "nohup &". If Status Monitor runs in the foreground, executing a ctrl-c command for Status Monitor will stop both the Status Monitor and the PowerServer process started by Status Monitor.

Once Status Monitor is successfully started, the Status Monitor window displays, indicating that Status Monitor is functioning. To keep the Status Monitor running you must keep the window open or minimized. If you close the Status Monitor window, Status Monitor stops working, and loses the information that has been backed up.