Specifies the server name for Oracle client interface (OCI) pooling.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
ServerName =value
Default value
Oracle client interface pooling for PowerBuilder applications is created when you connect to an Oracle server for the first time. The pooling is identified by the server name and character set that are specified in the ServerName and NLS_Charset parameters, respectively. If two Oracle connections are connected to the same Oracle server but use different character sets, the connections must reside in different connection or session pools. All pooling-related DBParm parameters must be set before the initial database connection.
To specify the server name for OCI pooling:
Database profile
Type the server name you want to set in the Server text box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.Server = "myServerName"