

If the DBMS supports it, specifies the application name you want to use when connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.

When to specify AppName

You must specify the AppName parameter before connecting to the database.

Applies to

ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise

SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server

MSOLEDBSQL Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server



Default value

For Adaptive Server, PowerBuilder sets the CS_APPNAME connection property to PowerBuilder, as follows:


For SQL Server, there is no default value for AppName.


Adaptive Server databases

It is useful to specify a different AppName value for each of your Adaptive Server applications. If you are an administrator, you can query the MASTER.DBO.SYSPROCESSES table to determine which applications are running on the database server. The value specified for AppName displays in the program_name column of the MASTER.DBO.SYSPROCESSES table, making it easy to identify the applications.


Example 1

To set the application name to Test:

  • Database profile

    Type the following in the Application Name box on the Network or System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:

  • Application

    Type the following in code:


Example 2

You can set the AppName and Host parameters in a single statement to specify both the application name and the host name. To set the application name to Sales and the host name to Fran:

  • Database profile

    Type Sales in the Application Name box and Fran in the Workstation Name box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:


See also


(applies only to ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise)