

Controls whether the ODBC interface uses call escape syntax for stored procedure calls (the default) or converts the calls to driver-specific native SQL syntax before sending the command to the ODBC driver.

Applies to

ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)






Controls whether the ODBC interface uses call escape syntax for stored procedure calls or converts the calls to driver-specific native SQL syntax. Values are:

  • Yes

    (Default) The ODBC interface uses call escape syntax for stored procedure calls

  • No

    The ODBC interface converts stored procedure calls to driver-specific native SQL syntax before sending the command to the ODBC driver

Default value



When to use

Set CallEscape to No if the ODBC driver you are using expects to receive stored procedure calls in native (driver-specific) SQL syntax instead of in call escape syntax.

For information about the stored procedure call syntax your ODBC driver expects, see your vendor's driver documentation.

Level 2 or higher ODBC driver required

To use the CallEscape parameter, your ODBC driver must meet Level 2 or higher API conformance requirements. CallEscape has no effect when you are using an ODBC driver that meets Core or Level 1 API conformance requirements.

Example of stored procedure call escape syntax

The following example shows a call to a stored procedure named sp_test that uses call escape syntax:

{call sp_test(1,1)}


To convert stored procedure calls to native SQL syntax before sending the command to your ODBC driver:

  • Database profile

    Clear the Use Call Escape Syntax check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:
