

Inserts a date type form field at the current text input position in a RichTextEdit control. A date field shows a date in its edit field. After a date field is inserted, if a user clicks at the date, a date-picking control will display for selecting a different date.

Applies to

RichTextEdit control


rtename.FormDateFieldInsert(date fieldDate, boolean showDateControl{ {,string format} {,integer emptyWidth}})




The date to display in the edit field. The user can changed this date through a date picking control. When this parameter does not contain a date, the new date field is empty.


Specifies whether the date picking control is immediately shown after insertion.

format The format for displaying the date. When this parameter is omitted a default format is used depending on the language set for the date field's text.
emptyWidth The combobox's width, in twips, when its edit field is empty. If this parameter is omitted, a default width of 2000 twips is used. For almost all units of measurement in the RichTextEdit control, twips are used. Twip is a fabricated word meaning twentieth of a point (pt).

Return value


Returns a value greater than 0 if it succeeds and this value represents the unique ID of the form field that was successfully inserted. If any argument's value is null, returns null. Returns -1 if an error occurs. Returns -2 if the date value is invalid.


This example inserts a date form field which shows 1900-01-01 in the edit field, and when the field is inserted, the date picking control is immediately shown.

integer li_rtn
li_rtn = rte_1.FormDateFieldInsert(1900-01-01, true)

This example inserts a date form field with the specified date, format, and emptyWidth.

integer li_rtn
date ld_date
string ls_format

ld_date = today()
ls_format = "yyyy-MM-dd"
li_rtn = rte_1.FormDateFieldInsert(ld_date,false,ls_format,1500)