Sets the OAuth 2.0 token string to the HTTP request header which will be sent to the server in the following interface: Submit, SendGetRequest, SendPostRequest, SendDeleteRequest, SendPatchRequest, SendPutRequest, Retrieve, and RetrieveOne. If a token has been set in the HTTP request header, it will replace the original token.
Applies to
objectname.SetOAuthToken(string token)
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
The name of the RESTClient object in which you want to set the OAuth 2.0 access token. |
token |
A string value specifying the OAuth 2.0 access token. |
Return value
Integer. Returns 1 if the function succeeds and a negative value if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
The following code example adds a new data record and submits it to the server.
String ls_P020_Responsebody,ls_Token,ls_PostData Long ll_InsertRow Integer li__P020_SendReturn Integer li_P020_GetTokenReturn RestClient lrc_P020 lrc_P020 = Create RestClient //Sets the token parameters TokenRequest ltreq_Appeon ltreq_Appeon.tokenlocation = "" ltreq_Appeon.method = "post" ltreq_Appeon.GrantType = "password" ltreq_Appeon.ClientId = "P0VRQ-ddHn/WWd6lcCNJbaO9ny-JCNHirDJkHNgZ0-M=" ltreq_Appeon.ClientSecret = "K7gNU3sdo-OL0wNhqoVWhr3g6s1xYv72ol/pe/Unols=" ltreq_Appeon.UserName = "TestUser" ltreq_Appeon.PassWord = "TestPassword" //Gets token via RESTClient li_P020_GetTokenReturn = lrc_P020.GetOauthtoken( ltreq_Appeon, ls_Token) If li_P020_GetTokenReturn = 1 Then lrc_P020.SetRequestHeaders( "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8~r~nAccept-Encoding:gzip" ) lrc_P020.SetOauthToken( ls_Token ) //Sets authentication //Adds a new data row ll_InsertRow = dw_Data.InsertRow( 0 ) //Sets the data value dw_Data.SetItem(ll_InsertRow,1,0) dw_Data.SetItem(ll_InsertRow,2,"TestCreate"+String(rand(50))) //Once Web service detects that //the passed-in department id is smaller than 1, it will automatically finds the largest ID //value and assigns value to it ls_PostData=dw_Data.Exportrowasjson( ll_InsertRow)//Exports the new data row from dw_Data to JSON string li__P020_SendReturn = lrc_P020.SendPostRequest("", ls_PostData, ls_P020_Responsebody) If li__P020_SendReturn <> 1 Or lrc_P020.GetResponseStatusCode() <> 201 Then //Checks if any error information End If //Finds out if the new data record exists via lrc_P020.Retrieve( dw_Data, "") Else //Gets the token failure error End If If IsValid(lrc_P020) Then Destroy lrc_P020
See also