Assigns an image stored in a blob to be the image in a Picture control.
Applies to
Picture controls
picturecontrol.SetPicture ( bimage )
Argument |
Description |
picturecontrol |
The name of a Picture control in which you want to set the bitmap. |
bimage |
A blob containing the new bitmap. bimage must be a valid picture in bitmap (BMP), Compuserve Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), run-length encoded (RLE), or Windows Metafile (WMF). |
Return value
Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, SetPicture returns null.
If you use FileRead to get the bitmap image from a file, remember that the FileRead function can read a maximum of 32,765 bytes at a time. To check the length of a file, call FileLength. If the file is over 32,765 bytes, you can call FileRead more than once and concatenate the return values, or you can call FileReadEx.
For Unicode files and files that you convert to Unicode, you must make sure that the file length value is an even number. Otherwise FileRead or FileReadEx cannot parse the entire file.
These statements allow the user to select a file and then open the file and set the Picture control p_1 to the bitmap in the selected file:
integer fh, ret blob Emp_pic string txtname, named string defext = "BMP" string Filter = "bitmap Files (*.bmp), *.bmp" ret = GetFileOpenName("Open Bitmap", txtname, & named, defext, filter) IF ret = 1 THEN fh = FileOpen(txtname, StreamMode!) IF fh <> -1 THEN FileRead(fh, Emp_pic) FileClose(fh) p_1.SetPicture(Emp_pic) END IF END IF