

PowerBuilder.RegisteredObject.TriggerEvent is a .NET method, not a PowerScript method.

It is called in the C# code to trigger the event of the PowerBuilder object. For details, refer to Triggering PowerScript events from C# code in Application Techniques.

Dynamic library

The following runtime DLL files must be referenced in the C# code according to the target framework:

  • pbdotnetframeworkinvoker.dll for .NET framework (when the .NET assembly is loaded through LoadWithDotNetFramework)

  • pbdotnetcoreinvoker.dll for .NET core (when the .NET assembly is loaded through LoadWithDotNetCore)

  • pbdotnetinvoker.dll for .NET (when the .NET assembly is loaded through LoadWithDotNet)

These runtime DLL files are located in the PowerBuilder Runtime directory (by default %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]) and will be deployed automatically.




int RegisteredObject.TriggerEvent(string registeredObject, string eventName{,string eventParam}{,ref string returnValue})




The registered name of PowerBuilder object that is case-sensitive.


The event name to be triggered.

eventParam (optional)

The parameter of the event.

returnValue (optional)

The return value of the event.

Return value


Returns values as follows.

1 -- Success

-1 -- Unknown error.

-50 -- PowerObject is not instantiated.

-52 -- The objectname is not registered.

-53 -- Invalid event name.

-54 -- The number of event parameters is wrong.

-55 -- Event parameter type error.


This C# code triggers the ue_ondotnetcallback event of the PowerBuilder object w_dotnettest:

// Need to add the corresponding pbdotnetcoreinvoker.dll or pbdotnetframeworkinvoker.dll or pbdotnetinvoker.dll to the project reference namespace Appeon.PowerBuilder.DotNet.Test
// These dll files are located in the PB Runtime directory and will be deployed automatically
public class TriggerPBEvent
    public string Method(string str1)
     string strResult = "";
     PowerBuilder.RegisteredObject.TriggerEvent("w_dotnettest","ue_ondotnetcallback", "Param from Method", ref strResult);// Trigger the ue_ondotnetcallback event in the PB object w_dotnettest
     return str1 + "(Method)\nReturn:" + strResult;

This PowerScript code defines the user event ue_ondotnetcallback and calls the callback function to get the result of executing user event in C# code:

// w_dotnettest window event ue_ondotnetcallback
string ls_test
ls_test= "ue_ondotnetcallback(as_param:" + as_param +")"
return ls_test
// Call the method Method in DotNet
ls_return = lcs_ass.Method("PB event callback test")
MessageBox("Info", ls_return)