Creates a tab page if it has not already been created.
Applies to
User objects used as tab pages
userobject.CreatePage ( )
Return value
Returns one of the following values:1 if the page is successfully created and -1 if the page was already created or if it is not a tab page.
1 -- The tab page was successfully created
0 -- The tab page has already been created
-1 -- The user object is not a tab page
A window will open more quickly if the creation of graphical representations is delayed for tab pages with many controls. However, scripts cannot refer to a control on a tab page until the control's Constructor event has run and a graphical representation of the control has been created. When the CreateOnDemand property of the Tab control is selected, scripts cannot reference controls on tab pages that the user has not viewed. CreatePage allows you to create a tab page if it has not already been created.
This example tests whether tabpage_2 has been created and, if not, creates it:
IF tab_1.CreateOnDemand = True THEN IF tab_1.tabpage_2.PageCreated() = False THEN tab_1.tabpage_2.CreatePage() END IF END IF
See also