Calculates the arcsine of an angle.
ASin ( n )
Argument |
Description |
n |
The ratio of the lengths of two sides of a triangle for which you want a corresponding angle (in radians). The ratio must be a value between -1 and 1. |
Return value
Double. Returns the arcsine of n.
This statement returns .999998 (rounded to six places):
This statement returns .520311 (rounded to six places):
ASin(LogTen (Pi (1)))
This statement returns 0:
This code in the Clicked event of a button catches a runtime error that occurs when an arcsine is taken for a user-entered value -- passed in a variable -- that is outside of the permitted range:
Double ld_num ld_num = Double (sle_1.text) TRY sle_2.text = string (asin (ld_num)) CATCH (runtimeerror er) MessageBox("Runtime Error", er.getmessage()) END TRY
See also
ASin method for DataWindows in the section called “ASin” in DataWindow Reference.