Retrieves the full path and file name of the dbmlsync.exe that is installed on the workstation.
Applies to
MLSync and MLSynchronization controls
SyncObject.GetDbmlsyncPath ( )
Return value
Returns the value of full path and file name of the synchronization executable. Returns -1 if.dbmlsync.exe is not found.
This property uses the value of the synchronization object's MLServerVersion property to decide which version of dbmlsync to return.
This function enables the use of Help buttons for the Additional Options and Extended Options fields as displayed on the default ML Server tab page of the w_appname_sync_options dialog box that is generated by the MobiLink synchronization wizard. The Clicked event for these Help buttons has the following script:
string sCmd sCmd = i_uosync.GetDbmlsyncPath() if len(sCmd) > 0 then sCmd += " ? " // sCmd += ' -l' for help with extended options run(sCmd, Normal!) end if