Gets the value of the item whose type is array.
Applies to
objectname.GetItemArray ( ParentItemHandle, Key )
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
The name of the JSONParser object whose array item you want to obtain. |
ParentItemHandle |
A long whose value is the handle of the parent item of JsonObjectItem type. |
Key |
A string whose value is the key of the child item of JsonArrayItem type. |
Return value
Returns the value of the child item of an array if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
If the item value is null, this function will throw an error, therefore, it is recommended that before executing this function, call GetItemType to check if the item value is null. See example 2.
Example 1
The following code handles a regular JSON string.
JsonParser lnv_JsonParser String ls_Json, ls_name Long ll_number_item, ll_number, ll_object_item Long ll_RootObject, ll_department_array lnv_JsonParser = Create JsonParser ls_Json = '{"id":1001, "name":"evan", "department_array":[999999, {"name":"Website"}, {"name":"PowerBuilder"}, {"name":"IT"}] }' lnv_JsonParser.LoadString(ls_Json) ll_RootObject = lnv_JsonParser.GetRootItem() ll_department_array = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemArray(ll_RootObject, "department_array") ll_number_item = lnv_JsonParser.GetChildItem(ll_department_array, 1) ll_number = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemNumber(ll_number_item) ll_object_item = lnv_JsonParser.GetChildItem(ll_department_array, 2) ls_name = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemString(ll_object_item, "name")
The following code handles an irregular JSON string which contains a null value.
long ll_loop,i long ll_row long ll_root,ll_object,ll_item //receiving the handle of JSON item string ls_json,ls_error string ls_return string ls_key jsonparser lnv_jsonparser lnv_jsonparser = create jsonparser ls_json = "[{~"ID~":101,~"FirstName~":~"Li~"},{~"ID~":102,~"FirstName~":null}]" // JSON data contains a null value //Loads the JSON data ls_error= lnv_jsonparser.loadstring(ls_json) if len(trim(ls_error)) > 0 then messagebox("Failed","load json failed:"+ls_error) return end if //Obtains the handle of root item ll_root = lnv_jsonparser.getrootitem() //Obtains the data of each row for ll_loop = 1 to lnv_jsonparser.getchildcount(ll_root) //Obtains the handle of each row ll_object = lnv_jsonparser.getchilditem(ll_root,ll_loop) //Inserts a row into datawindow ll_row = dw_1.insertrow(0) //Parses the item value one by one in a row in a loop for i = 1 to lnv_jsonparser.getchildcount(ll_object) //Obtains the handle and key of each item ll_item = lnv_jsonparser.getchilditem(ll_object,i) ls_key = lnv_jsonparser.getchildkey(ll_object,i) //Checks the data type of each item choose case lnv_jsonparser.getitemtype(ll_item) case jsonarrayitem!,jsonobjectitem! messagebox("Error","Not standard datatype") //Item value cannot be inserted to datawindow case jsonnumberitem! //Obtains number data dw_1.setitem(ll_row,i,lnv_jsonparser.getitemnumber(ll_item)) //dw_1.setitem(ll_row,ls_key,lnv_jsonparser.getitemnumber(ll_object,ls_key)) or set data by column name case jsonstringitem! //Obtains string data dw_1.setitem(ll_row,i,lnv_jsonparser.getitemstring(ll_item)) case jsonbooleanitem! //Obtains boolean data. boolean converted to string and inserted to datawindow dw_1.setitem(ll_row,i,string(lnv_jsonparser.getitemboolean(ll_item))) case jsonnullitem! //null value. Not inserted to datawindow. end choose next //Finish parsing one row next//Start parsing next row
See also
Gets the value of the item whose type is array.
Applies to
objectname.GetItemArray ( ItemPath )
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
The name of the JSONParser object whose array item you want to obtain. |
ItemPath |
A string whose value is the path of the item of JsonArrayItem type. If there is a multi-dimensional array, use the number to indicate the order of the array elements. If a key name contains "/", use the escape character "~~/" to replace "/". |
Return value
Returns the value of the child item of an array if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
If the item value is null, this function will throw an error, therefore, it is recommended that before executing this function, call GetItemType to check if the item value is null. See example 2.
The following code gets an array according to its item path.
JsonParser lnv_JsonParser String ls_Json, ls_name, ls_Path Long ll_number_item, ll_number, ll_object_item Long ll_department_array lnv_JsonParser = Create JsonParser ls_Json = '{"id":1001, "name":"evan", "department_array":[999999, {"name":"Website"}, {"name":"PowerBuilder"}, {"name":"IT"}] }' lnv_JsonParser.LoadString(ls_Json) ls_Path = "/department_array" ll_department_array = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemArray(ls_Path) ll_number_item = lnv_JsonParser.GetChildItem(ll_department_array, 1) ll_number = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemNumber(ll_number_item) ll_object_item = lnv_JsonParser.GetChildItem(ll_department_array, 2) ls_name = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemString(ll_object_item, "name")
See also