Installing required softwares

The first step in the Web migration process is to set up the software environment.

PowerServer works in a standard n-Tier Web architecture

The following softwares should be installed to support the architecture:

  • Windows Server 2019/2016/2012 R2 or Windows 10/8/8.1/7

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, or Opera

  • PowerBuilder

  • Database that your application uses

  • Application Server (any of the following types):

    • Microsoft .NET Framework & Microsoft IIS

    • Oracle WebLogic

    • IBM WebSphere

    • TmaxSoft JEUS

    • JBoss

  • PowerServer, which includes:

    • PowerServer (Which includes AEM, PowerServer Status Monitor, and PowerServer Web Component)

    • PowerServer Toolkit (Windows only)

    • PowerServer Web Component

    • PowerServer Help (Windows only)

For detailed instructions on installing the required softwares, refer to Installation Guide for PowerServer (PB Edition).