PowerBuilder 2019 R2 has the following known issues:
The following functionalities do not work if the computer connects with the Internet through a proxy server requiring user authentication: 1) PowerBuilder online license, 2) PowerBuilder Installer (the online installation program), 3) PowerServer Mobile Templates Manager.
If you run PowerBuilder as a guest (not an administrator), you may come across the following license issues: the license login screen may not show the status of the settings correctly; the license file may not be accessed after upgrade; or the new login credentials may not be saved properly.
If you have only upgraded SnapDevelop to version 2019 R2, and have not upgraded PowerBuilder, then launching SnapDevelop from the PowerBuilder IDE will cause the PowerBuilder IDE to crash.
When you launch SnapDevelop from the PowerBuilder IDE to debug C# assemblies, you may find that SnapDevelop may stop responding or the debugger may stop working.