- CheckBox control
- CommandButton control
- DatePicker control
- DropDownListBox control
- DropDownPictureListBox control
- EditMask control
- GroupBox control
- HProgressBar control
- HScrollBar control
- HTrackBar control
- InkPicture control
- Line control
- ListBox control
- ListView control
- MonthCalendar control
- MultiLineEdit control
- OLEControl control
- OLECustomControl control
- Oval control
- Picture control
- PictureButton control
- PictureHyperLink control
- PictureListBox control
- RadioButton control
- Rectangle control
- RichTextEdit control
- RoundRectangle control
- SingleLineEdit control
- StaticHyperLink control
- StaticText control
- Tab control
- TreeView control
- VProgressBar control
- VScrollBar control
- VTrackBar control
- Window control
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Automatic |
Supported |
cbx_1.Automatic = TRUE |
BackColor |
Supported |
cbx_1.BackColor = ll_value cbx_1.BackColor = RGB(192,192,192) Note: transparent value is unsupported. |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
cbx_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! cbx_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! |
BringToTop |
Supported |
cbx_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
Checked |
Supported |
cbx_1.Checked = TRUE cbx_1.Checked = lb_value |
DragAuto |
Supported |
cbx_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
cbx_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico' |
Enabled |
Supported |
cbx_1.Enabled=TRUE cbx_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
cbx_1.FaceName = "" cbx_1.FaceName = ls_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
cbx_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
cbx_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
cbx_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
cbx_1.Height=889 cbx_1.Height = li_value |
Italic |
Supported |
cbx_1.Italic=TRUE cbx_1.Italic = lb_value |
LeftText |
Supported |
cbx_1.LeftText = TRUE |
Pointer |
Supported |
cbx_1.Pointer='Cross!' cbx_1.Pointer='d:\archive\IBEAM.CUR' |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
cbx_1.RightToLeft = TRUE |
TabOrder |
Supported |
cbx_1.TabOrder = 10 |
Tag |
Supported |
cbx_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
cbx_1.Text = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
cbx_1.TextColor = long(88995) cbx_1.TextColor = RGB(0,0,255) |
TextSize |
Supported |
cbx_1.TextSize = 15 cbx_1.TextSize = li_value |
ThirdState |
Supported |
cbx_1.ThreeState = TRUE cbx_1.ThirdState = TRUE |
ThreeState |
Supported |
cbx_1.ThreeState = TRUE cbx_1.ThirdState = TRUE |
Underline |
Supported |
cbx_1.Underline = TRUE cbx_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
cbx_1.Visible =TRUE cbx_1.Visible = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
cbx_1.Weight = 700 cbx_1.Weight = li_value In both PowerBuilder and PowerServer Web applications, a weight value smaller or equal to 550 indicates a normal weight, and a weight value larger than 550 indicates a bold weight. |
Width |
Supported |
cbx_1.Width=899 cbx_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
cbx_1.X = 100 cbx_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
cbx_1.Y = 500 cbx_1.Y = li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Clicked |
Supported |
Clicked() |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RbuttonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_return = cbx_1.ClassName() |
Drag |
Supported |
cbx_1.Drag(Begin!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
lobj_parent = cbx_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = cbx_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
cbx_1.Move(100,100)] li_return = cbx_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = cbx_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = cbx_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
cbx_1.PostEvent(RButtonDown!) lb_return = cbx_1.PostEvent(event) |
Resize |
Supported |
cbx_1.Resize(100,20) li_return = cbx_1.Resize(li_x, li_y) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
cbx_1.SetFocus() li_return = cbx_1.SetFocus() Unsupported: SetFocus(cbx_1) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = cbx_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return= cbx_1.SetRedraw(TRUE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = cbx_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
cbx_1.TriggerEvent(RButtonDown!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if cbx_1.TypeOf() = Checkbox! Then ls_return = "Checkbox!" else ls_return = "Not a Checkbox" end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BringToTop |
Supported |
cb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
Cancel |
Supported |
cb_1.Cancel = TRUE |
Default |
Supported |
cb_1.Default = TRUE |
DragAuto |
Supported |
cb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
cb_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico' |
Enabled |
Supported |
cb_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
cb_1.FaceName = "" cb_1.FaceName = "Courier" |
Height |
Supported |
cb_1.Height = li_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
cb_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
cb_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
cb_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Italic |
Supported |
cb_1.Italic = lb_value |
Pointer |
Supported |
cb_1.Pointer = 'Size!' cb_1.Pointer ='d:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
TabOrder |
Supported |
cb_1.TabOrder = 20 |
Tag |
Supported |
cb_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
cb_1.Text = ls_value |
TextSize |
Supported |
cb_1.TextSize = li_value |
Underline |
Supported |
cb_1.Underline = TRUE cb_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
cb_1.Visible = TRUE cb_1.Visible = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
cb_1.Weight = 700 cb_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
cb_1.Width = 750 cb_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
cb_1.X = 280 cb_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
cb_1.Y = 1280 cb_1.Y = li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Clicked |
Supported |
Clicked() |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_return = cb_1.ClassName() |
Drag |
Supported |
cb_1.Drag(Begin!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_return lpo_return = cb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
cb_1.Move(200,800) li_return = cb_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
cb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) |
Resize |
Supported |
cb_1.Resize(200,800) li_return = cb_1.Resize(li_x, li_y) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.SetFocus() Unsupported: SetFocus(cb_1) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
ll_return = cb_1.SetPosition(ToTop!) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.SetRedraw(TRUE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_return = cb_1.TriggerEvent(Clicked!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if cb_1.TypeOf() = commandbutton! then ls_return = "commandbutton!" end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Left mouse clicking on the DatePicker control will trigger the Clicked, GetFocused events in sequence.
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
dp_1.Accelerator=67 |
AccessibleDescription |
Supported |
AccessibleName |
Supported |
AccessibleRole |
Supported |
AllowEdit |
Supported |
dp_1.AllowEdit = TRUE |
Border |
Supported |
dp_1.Border = TRUE |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
dp_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! dp_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! dp_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! Note: StyleShadowBox! is unsupported. |
BringToTop |
Supported |
CalendarBackColor |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarBackColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) |
CalendarFontCharset |
Supported |
db_1.CalendarFontCharset = ANSI! |
CalendarFontFamily |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarFontFamily = Roman! |
CalendarFontName |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarFontName = ls_value |
CalendarFontPitch |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarFontPitch = Fixed! |
CalendarFontWeight |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarFontWeight = li_value |
CalendarItalic |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarItalic = lb_value |
CalendarTextColor |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarTextColor = RGB(0,0,255) |
CalendarTextSize |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarTextSize = li_value |
CalendarTitleBackColor |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarTitleBackColor = RGB(128, 255, 128) |
CalendarTrailingTextColor |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarTrailingTextColor = RGB(128, 255, 128) |
CalendarUnderline |
Supported |
dp_1.CalendarUnderline = lb_value |
CustomFormat |
Supported |
dp_1.CustomFormat = ls_value |
DateValue |
Supported |
dp_1.DateValue = ld_value |
DragAuto |
Supported |
dp_1.DragAuto = TRUE Notes:
DragIcon |
Supported |
dp_1.DragIcon = 'arrow.ico' |
DropDownRight |
Supported |
dp_1.DropDownRight = true |
Enabled |
Supported |
dp_1.Enabled = TRUE |
FaceName |
Supported |
dp_1.FaceName = "" |
FirstDayOfWeek |
Supported |
dp_1.FirstDayOfWeek = Monday! |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
dp_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
dp_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
dp_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
FontWeight |
Supported |
dp_1.FontWeight = 700 |
Format |
Supported |
dp_1.Format = dtfShortDate! |
Height |
Supported |
dp_1.Height = 750 dp_1.Height = li_value |
Italic |
Supported |
dp_1.Italic=TRUE dp_1.Italic = lb_value |
MaxDate |
Supported |
dp_1.MaxDate = Date("2007/06/30") |
MinDate |
Supported |
dp_1.MinDate = Date("2006/09/01") |
Pointer |
Supported |
dp_1.Pointer = 'Size!' |
ShowUpDown |
Supported |
dp_1.ShowUpDown = true |
TabOrder |
Supported |
dp_1.TabOrder = 30 |
Tag |
Supported |
dp_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
dp_1.Text = ls_value |
TextSize |
Supported |
dp_1.TextSize = li_value |
TimeValue |
Supported |
lt_value = dp_1.TimeValue |
TodayCircle |
Supported |
dp_1.TodayCircle = false |
TodaySection |
Supported |
dp_1.TodaySection = false |
Underline |
Supported |
dp_1.Underline = TRUE |
Value |
Supported |
dp_1.Value = DateTime(Date("2005/07/01"),Time("12:00:00")) |
Visible |
Supported |
dp_1.Visible = True |
WeekNumbers |
Supported |
dp_1.WeekNumbers = true |
Width |
Supported |
dp_1.Width = li_value Note:
X |
Supported |
dp_1.X = li_value Note:
Y |
Supported |
dp_1.Y = li_value Note:
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
RightToLeft |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Clicked |
Supported |
Clicked() |
CloseUp |
Supported |
CloseUp() |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
Doubleclicked(flags,xpos,ypos) |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop() |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
DropDown |
Supported |
DropDown() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
ValueChanged |
Supported |
Valuechanged(flag,dtm) |
Help |
Unsupported |
PreCreateWindow |
Unsupported |
UserString |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_value = dp_1.ClassName() |
Drag |
Supported |
dp_1.Drag(dragmode) Note: If you use Drag(Begin!), single mouse clicking will trigger DragEnter and DragDrop event in sequence on the Web. This is different from the event sequences in PowerBuilder. |
GetCalendar |
Supported |
dp_1.getcalendar( ) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_returnvalue lpo_returnvalue = dp_1.GetParent() |
GetText |
Supported |
ls_text = dp_1.GetText() |
GetToday |
Supported |
currentdate = dp_1.GetToday() |
GetValue |
Supported |
li_value = dp_1.GetValue(dt) |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_value = dp_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_value = dp_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
dp_1.PostEvent(Constructor!) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.Resize(li_width,li_height) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.SetFocus() |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return= dp_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
SetToday |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.SetToday(currentdate) |
SetValue |
Supported |
dp_1.SetValue(dt) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = dp_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
dp_1.TriggerEvent(Constructor!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if dp_1.TypeOf() = DatePicker! Then ls_return = 'DatePicker!' else ls_return = 'isvalid' end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Important Requirements
In PowerBuilder, if a DropDownListBox has no item, an empty row will display in the ListBox portion when the user clicks the down arrow. However, on the Web application, no empty row will display.
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Accelerator=67 |
AllowEdit |
Supported |
ddlb_1.AllowEdit = TRUE ddlb_1.AllowEdit = lb_value Note: The pbm_keydown event is unsupported if the AllowEdit property is set to true. |
AutoHScroll |
Supported |
ddlb_1.AutoHScroll = TRUE |
BringToTop |
Supported |
ddlb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
BackColor |
Supported |
ddlb_1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) ddlb_1.BackColor = ll_value Note: transparent value is unsupported. |
Border |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Border = TRUE ddlb_1.Border = lb_value |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
ddlb_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! ddlb_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! ddlb_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! |
DragAuto |
Supported |
ddlb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
ddlb_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico' |
Enabled |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Enabled=TRUE ddlb_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
ddlb_1.FaceName = "" ddlb_1.FaceName = ls_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
ddlb_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
ddlb_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
ddlb_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Height = 750 ddlb_1.Height = li_value |
HScrollBar |
Supported |
ddlb_1.HScrollBar = TRUE ddlb_1.HscrollBar = lb_value |
Italic |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Italic=TRUE ddlb_1.Italic = lb_value |
Item[ ] |
Supported |
ls_value = ddlb_1.Item[1] |
Limit |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Limit = 256 ddlb_1.Limit = li_value |
Pointer |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Pointer = 'Size!' ddlb_1.Pointer ='d:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
ddlb_1.RightToLeft = TRUE |
ShowList |
Supported |
ddlb_1.ShowList = TRUE |
Sorted |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Sorted = TRUE ddlb_1.Sorted = lb_value |
TabOrder |
Supported |
ddlb_1.TabOrder = 30 |
Tag |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Text = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
ddlb_1.TextColor = ll_value ddlb_1.TextColor = RGB(192,192,192) |
TextSize |
Supported |
ddlb_1.TextSize = li_value |
Underline |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Underline= TRUE ddlb_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Visible = TRUE ddlb_1.Visible = lb_value |
VScrollBar |
Supported |
ddlb_1.VScrollBar = TRUE ddlb_1.VscrollBar = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Weight = 700 ddlb_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
ddlb_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Y = li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DoubleClicked() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
Modified |
Supported |
Modified() Note: it is unsupported to trigger the event by clicking the Enter key. |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
SelectionChanged |
Supported |
SelectionChanged(index) If the return value of the event is greater than 0, the Modified event will be triggered. Otherwise, continue processing. |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
AddItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.AddItem(item) |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_return = ddlb_1.ClassName() |
Clear |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Clear() |
Copy |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Copy() |
Cut |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Cut() |
DeleteItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.DeleteItem(index) |
DirList |
Supported |
ddlb_1.DirList("C:\EMPLOYEE\*.TXT", 0) |
DirSelect |
Supported |
lb_dir = ddlb_1.DirSelect(ls_dirname) |
Drag |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Drag(Cancel!) |
FindItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.FindItem('hello', 4) li_return = ddlb_1.FindItem(text, index) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_return lpo_return = ddlb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Hide() |
InsertItem |
Supported |
ddlb_1.InsertItem('hello',3) li_return = ddlb_1.InsertItem(item, index) |
Move |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Move(200,400) li_return = ddlb_1.Move(li_x,li_ y) |
Paste |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Paste() |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
ddlb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) |
ReplaceText |
Supported |
ddlb_1.ReplaceText("60 Days") |
Reset |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Reset() |
Resize |
Supported |
ddlb_1.Resize(200,800) li_return = ddlb_1.Resize(li_x, li_y) |
SelectItem |
Supported |
ddlb_1.SelectItem ('hello',3) li_return = ddlb_1.SelectItem(item, index) |
SelectedLength |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddlb_1.SelectedLength() |
SelectedStart |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddlb_1.SelectedStart() |
SelectedText |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddlb_1.SelectedText() |
SelectText |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddlb_1.SelectText(start, length) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.SetFocus() Unsupported: SetFocus(ddlb_1) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
ddlb_1.SetPosition(ToTop!) li_return = ddlb_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.Show() |
Text |
Supported |
ls_return = ddlb_1.Text(index) |
TotalItems |
Supported |
li_return = ddlb_1.TotalItems() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
ddlb_1.TriggerEvent(Constructor!) li_return = ddlb_1.TriggerEvent(event) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if ddlb_1.typeof() = DropDownListBox! then messagebox("show"," DropDownListBox!") end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Position |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Accelerator = 67 |
AllowEdit |
Supported |
ddplb_1.AllowEdit = TRUE ddplb_1.AllowEdit = lb_value Note: The pbm_keydown event is unsupported if the AllowEdit property is set to true. |
AutoHScroll |
Supported |
ddplb_1.AutoHScroll = TRUE |
BackColor |
Supported |
ddplb_1.BackColor = ll_value ddplb_1.BackColor = RGB (0,0,255) Note: transparent value is unsupported. |
BringToTop |
Supported |
ddplb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
Border |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Border = TRUE ddplb_1.Border = lb_value |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
ddplb_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! ddplb_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! ddplb_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! Note: StyleShadowBox! is unsupported. |
DragAuto |
Supported |
ddplb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
ddplb_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico' |
Enabled |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Enabled = TRUE ddplb_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Facename = ls_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
ddplb_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
ddplb_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
ddplb_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Height = li_value |
HScrollBar |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Hscrollbar = lb_value |
Italic |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Italic = lb_value |
Item[ ] |
Supported |
String a[] = ddplb_1.Item[] |
ItemPictureIndex[ ] |
Supported |
ddplb_1.ItemPictureIndex[] = li_value[] |
Limit |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Limit = 256 ddplb_1.Limit = li_value |
PictureHeight |
Supported |
ddplb_1.PictureHeight = 16 |
PictureWidth |
Supported |
ddplb_1.PictureWidth = 16 |
PictureName[ ] |
Supported |
ls_value = ddplb_1.PictureName[1] Assigning values to part of an array and using the default values for the other part is not supported. For example: picturename[1] = "aaa.bmp" picturename[3] = "bbb.bmp" var pic1 = picturename[1]; var pic2 = picturename[3]; A supported example is given as follows: picturename[1] = "aaa.bmp" picturename[2] = "bbb.bmp" picturename[3] = "ccc.bmp" var pic1 = picturename[1]; var pic2 = picturename[2]; var pic3 = picturename[3]; |
Pointer |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Pointer = "Beam!" dbplb_1.Pointer = 'd:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
dbplb_1.RightToLeft = TRUE |
ShowList |
Supported |
ddplb_1.ShowList = TRUE |
Sorted |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Sorted = lb_value |
TabOrder |
Supported |
ddplb_1.TabOrder = 40 |
Tag |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Text = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Textcolor = ll_value ddplb_1.Textcolor = RGB(192,192,192) |
TextSize |
Supported |
ddplb_1.TextSize = li_value |
Underline |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Visible = lb_value |
VScrollBar |
Supported |
ddplb_1.VscrollBar = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
ddplb_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Y = li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
PictureMaskColor |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DoubleClicked() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
Modified |
Supported |
Modified() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
SelectionChanged |
Supported |
SelectionChanged(index) //If the return value is greater than 0, the Modified event will be triggered. Otherwise, continue processing. |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
AddItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.AddItem(ls_name, li_pic) |
AddPicture |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.AddPicture(picturename) |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_return = ddplb_1.ClassName() |
Clear |
Supported |
ls_return = ddplb_1.Clear() |
Copy |
Supported |
ls_return = ddplb_1.Copy() |
Cut |
Supported |
ls_return = ddplb_1.Cut() |
DeleteItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.DeleteItem(index) |
DeletePicture |
Supported |
li_return =ddplb_1.DeletePicture(index) |
DeletePictures |
Supported |
li_return =ddplb_1.DeletePictures() |
DirList |
Supported |
ddplb_1.DirList("C:\EMPLOYEE\*.TXT", 0) ddplb_1.DirList("C:\EMPLOYEE\*.DOC", 1, st_path) |
DirSelect |
Supported |
ddplb_1.DirSelect(ls_filename) |
Drag |
Supported |
ddplb_1.Drag(End!) |
FindItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.FindItem(text, index) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_return lpo_return = ddplb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.Hide() |
InsertItem |
Supported |
ddplb_1.InsertItem("Run Application", 5) |
Move |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.Move(li_x,li_ y) |
Paste |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.Paste() |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
ddplb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) lb_return = ddplb_1.PostEvent(event) |
Reset |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.Reset() |
Resize |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.Resize(li_width,li_height) |
SelectItem |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.SelectItem(item, index) |
SelectedLength |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddplb_1.SelectedLength() |
SelectedStart |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddplb_1.SelectedStart() |
SelectedText |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddplb_1.SelectedText() |
SelectText |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ddplb_1.SelectText(start, length) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.SetFocus() Unsupported: SetFocus(ddplb_1) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return= ddplb_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.Show() |
Text |
Supported |
ls_return = ddplb_1.Text(index) |
TotalItems |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.TotalItems() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_return = ddplb_1.TriggerEvent(event) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if ddplb_1.TypeOf() = DropDownPictureListBox! Then ls_return = 'DropDownPictureListBox!' else ls_return = 'isvalid' end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Position |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
em_1.Accelerator = 67 |
Alignment |
Supported |
em_1.Alignment = Center! |
AutoHScroll |
Supported |
AutoSkip |
Supported |
em_1.AutoSkip = TRUE |
BackColor |
Supported |
em_1.BackColor = ll_value em_1.BackColor = RGB (192,192,192) Note: transparent value is unsupported. |
Border |
Supported |
em_1.Border = TRUE em_1.Border = lb_value |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
em_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! em_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! em_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! Note: StyleShadowBox! is unsupported. |
BringToTop |
Supported |
em_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
DisplayData |
Supported |
DisplayOnly |
Supported |
em_1.DisplayOnly = TRUE em_1.DisplayOnly = lb_value |
DragAuto |
Supported |
em_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DropDownCalendar |
Supported |
DragIcon |
Supported |
em_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico'' |
Enabled |
Supported |
em_1.Enabled = TRUE em_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
em_1.FaceName = ls_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
em_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
em_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
em_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
em_1.Height = li_value |
HideSelection |
Supported |
em_1.HideSelection = FALSE |
Increment |
Supported |
em_1.Increment = 5.0 em_1.Increment = ld_value |
Italic |
Supported |
em_1.Italic = lb_value |
Limit |
Supported |
em_1.Limit = 50 em_1.Limit = li_value Note: the Limit property cannot be dynamically changed. |
Mask |
Supported |
em_1.MaskDataType =StringMask em_1.Mask = "^^^-!!!" Note: This property can only be set in the PowerBuilder Painter. |
MaskDataType |
Supported |
em_1.MaskDataType = StringMask! em_1.MaskDataType = DateTimeMask! em_1.MaskDataType = NumericMask! Note: This property can only be set in the PowerBuilder painter. |
MinMax |
Supported |
em_1.MinMax = ("100 ~~ 10000") |
Pointer |
Supported |
em_1.Pointer = 'AppStarting!' em_1.Pointer = 'd:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
em_1.RightToLeft = TRUE |
Spin |
Supported |
em_1.Spin = TRUE em_1.Spin = FALSE |
TabOrder |
Supported |
em_1.TabOrder = 50 |
Tag |
Supported |
em_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
em_1.Text = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
em_1.TextColor = ll_value em_1.TextColor = RGB (192,192,192) |
TextCase |
Supported |
em_1.TextCase = AnyCase! em_1.TextCase = Lower! em_1.TextCase = Upper! |
TextSize |
Supported |
em_1.TextSize = li_value |
Underline |
Supported |
em_1.Underline = TRUE em_1.Underline = lb_value |
UseCodeTable |
Supported |
em_1.UseCodeTable = TRUE |
Visible |
Supported |
em_1.Visible = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
em_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
em_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
em_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
em_1.Y = li_value |
AutoVScroll |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
HScrollBar |
Unsupported |
IgnoreDefaultButton |
Unsupported |
TabStop[ ] |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
VScrollBar |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
Modified |
Supported |
Modified() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = em_1.ClassName() |
Clear |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Clear() |
Copy |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Copy() |
Cut |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Cut() |
Drag |
Supported |
em_1.Drag(Begin!) |
GetData |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.GetData(datavariable) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_returnvalue lpo_returnvalue = em_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Hide() |
LineCount |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.LineCount() |
LineLength |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.LineLength() |
Move |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Move(li_xpos, li_ypos) |
Paste |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Paste() |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
lb_returnvalue = em_1.PostEvent(event) |
ReplaceText |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.ReplaceText(text) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Resize(li_width, li_height) |
SelectedLength |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.SelectedLength() If the control is off screen, the execution of the function may have an incorrect return result. |
SelectedLine |
Supported |
integer li_SL li_SL = em_1.SelectedLine() |
SelectedStart |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.SelectedStart() If the control is off screen, the execution of the function may have an incorrect return result. |
SelectedText |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = em_1.SelectedText() If the control is off screen, the execution of the function may have an incorrect return result. |
SelectText |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = em_1.SelectText(start, length) If the control is off screen, the execution of the function may have an incorrect return result. |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.SetFocus() Unsupported: SetFocus(em_test) |
SetMask |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.SetMask(maskdatatype, mask) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.SetRedraw (FALSE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.Show() |
TextLine |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.TextLine() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = em_1.TriggerEvent() |
TypeOf |
Supported |
If em_1.TypeOf() = editmask! Then ls_returnvalue = 'editmask!' else ls_returnvalue = 'invalid!' End if |
CanUndo |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Position |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Scroll |
Unsupported |
Undo |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BackColor |
Supported |
gb_1.BackColor = ll_value Note: transparent value is unsupported. |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
gb_1.Border = TRUE gb_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! |
BringToTop |
Supported |
gb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
DragAuto |
Supported |
gb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
gb_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico'' |
Enabled |
Supported |
gb_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
gb_1.FaceName = ls_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
gb_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
gb_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
gb_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
gb_1.Height = li_value |
Italic |
Supported |
gb_1.Italic = lb_value |
Pointer |
Supported |
gb_1.Pointer = 'Beam!' gb_1.Pointer = 'd:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
gb_1.RightToLeft = TRUE |
TabOrder |
Supported |
gb_1.TabOrder = 50 |
Tag |
Supported |
gb_1.Tag = ls_value |
Text |
Supported |
gb_1.Text = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
gb_1.TextColor = ll_value gb_1.TextColor = RGB(192,192,192) |
TextSize |
Supported |
gb_1.TextSize = li_value |
Underline |
Supported |
gb_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
gb_1.Visible = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
gb_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
gb_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
gb_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
gb_1.Y = li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor( ) |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor( ) |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = gb_1.ClassName() |
Drag |
Supported |
gb_1.drap(Cancel!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_returnvalue lpo_returnvalue = gb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
gb_1.Move(200,500) li_returnvalue = gb_1.Move(li_xpos, li_ypos) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
lb_returnvalue = gb_1.PostEvent(event) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.Resize(li_width,li_height) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.SetFocus( ) Unsupported: SetFocus(gb_text) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_value = gb_1.SetRedraw(TRUE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = gb_1.TriggerEvent(event) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if gb_1.TypeOf() = GroupBox! Then ls_returnvalue = "GroupBox!" else ls_returnvalue = "invalid" end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BringToTop |
Supported |
hpb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
DragAuto |
Supported |
hpb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
hpb_1.DragIcon = 'Question!' |
Height |
Supported |
hpb_1.Height = li_value |
MaxPosition |
Supported |
hpb_1.MaxPosition = 120 |
MinPosition |
Supported |
hpb_1.MinPosition = 20 |
Pointer |
Supported |
hpb_1.Pointer = 'Beam!' hpb_1.Pointer ='d:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
Position |
Supported |
hpb_1.Position = 50 |
SetStep |
Supported |
hpb_1.setstep = 20 |
SmoothScroll |
Supported |
hpb_1.SmoothScroll = True |
TabOrder |
Supported |
hpb_1.TabOrder = 20 |
Tag |
Supported |
hpb_1.Tag = "HProgressBar control" |
Visible |
Supported |
hpb_1.Visible = TRUE |
Width |
Supported |
hpb_1.Width = 700 |
X |
Supported |
hpb_1.X = 280 |
Y |
Supported |
hpb_1.Y = 1280 |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Clicked |
Supported |
Clicked() |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DoubleClicked() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
RightClicked |
Supported |
RightClicked() |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_classnm = hpb_1.classname() |
Drag |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.drag(Begin!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
lpo_return = hpb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
OffsetPos |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.OffsetPos(10) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
hpb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.Resize(li_x, li_y) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.SetFocus() |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.SetPosition(ToTop!) |
SetRange |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.SetRange(1, 10) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.Show() |
StepIt |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.StepIt( ) |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_return = hpb_1.TriggerEvent(Clicked!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
type_obj = hpb_1.typeof() |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BringToTop |
Supported |
hsb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
DragAuto |
Supported |
hsb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
hsb_1.DragIcon = 'Question!' |
Height |
Supported |
hsb_1.Height = li_value |
MaxPosition |
Supported |
hsb_1.MaxPosition = 120 |
MinPosition |
Supported |
hsb_1.MinPosition = 20 |
Pointer |
Supported |
hsb_1.Pointer = 'Beam!' hsb_1.Pointer ='d:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
Position |
Supported |
hsb_1.Position = 50 |
StdHeight |
Supported |
hsb_1.StdHeight = True |
TabOrder |
Supported |
hsb_1.TabOrder = 20 |
Tag |
Supported |
hsb_1.Tag = "HScrollBar control" |
Visible |
Supported |
hsb_1.Visible = TRUE |
Width |
Supported |
hsb_1.Width = 700 |
X |
Supported |
hsb_1.X = 280 |
Y |
Supported |
hsb_1.Y = 1280 |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LineLeft |
Supported |
LineLeft() |
LineRight |
Supported |
LineRight() Note: User defined events in the LineLeft or LineRight events for the HScrollBar control may be triggered more than once. |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
Moved |
Supported |
Moved(scrollpos) |
PageLeft |
Supported |
PageLeft() |
PageRight |
Supported |
PageRight() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown() |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_classnm = hsb_1.classname() |
Drag |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.drag(Begin!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
lpo_return = hsb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
hsb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.Resize(li_x, li_y) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.SetFocus() |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.SetPosition(ToTop!) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_return = hsb_1.TriggerEvent(Clicked!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
type_obj = hsb_1.typeof() |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BringToTop |
Supported |
htb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
DragAuto |
Supported |
htb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
htb_1.DragIcon = 'Question!' |
Height |
Supported |
htb_1.Height = li_value |
LineSize |
Supported |
htb_1.LineSize = li_value |
MaxPosition |
Supported |
htb_1.MaxPosition = 120 |
MinPosition |
Supported |
htb_1.MinPosition = 20 |
PageSize |
Supported |
htb_1.PageSize = li_value |
Pointer |
Supported |
htb_1.Pointer = 'Beam!' |
Position |
Supported |
htb_1.Position = 50 |
Slider |
Supported |
htb_1.Slider = TRUE |
SliderSize |
Supported |
htb_1.SliderSize = li_value |
TabOrder |
Supported |
htb_1.TabOrder = 20 |
Tag |
Supported |
htb_1.Tag = ls_tag |
TickFrequency |
Supported |
htb_1.TickFrequency = li_value |
TickMarks |
Supported |
htb_1.TickMarks = HTicksOnRight! |
Visible |
Supported |
htb_1.Visible = TRUE |
Width |
Supported |
htb_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
htb_1.X = li_x |
Y |
Supported |
htb_1.Y = li_y |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LineDown |
Supported |
LineDown() |
LineUp |
Supported |
LineUp() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
Moved |
Supported |
Moved(scrollpos) |
PageDown |
Supported |
PageDown() |
PageUp |
Supported |
PageUp() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown() |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_classnm = htb_1.classname() |
Drag |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.drag(Begin!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
lpo_return = htb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
htb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.Resize(li_x, li_y) |
SelectionRange |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.SelectionRange(30, 70) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.SetFocus() |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.SetPosition(ToTop!) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_return = htb_1.TriggerEvent(Clicked!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
type_obj = htb_1.typeof() |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property added by PowerServer
Recognitiontimer - Specifies the time period in milliseconds between the last ink stroke and the start of text recognition (the Appeon_recognition event). The default is 2000 (two seconds).
Property |
Support Level |
Description |
AutoErase |
Unsupported |
BackColor |
Supported |
Border |
Supported |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
BringToTop |
Supported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
CollectionMode |
Supported |
DragAuto |
Supported |
DragIcon |
Supported |
DynamicRendering |
Supported |
EditMode |
Supported |
InkPicSelectMode! is not supported. |
Enabled |
Supported |
EraseMode |
Supported |
EraseWidth |
Unsupported |
Height |
Supported |
HighContrastInk |
Unsupported |
IgnorePressure |
Unsupported |
InkAntiAliased |
Unsupported |
InkColor |
Supported |
InkEnabled |
Supported |
InkFileName |
Unsupported |
InkHeight |
Unsupported |
InkTransparency |
Unsupported |
InkWidth |
Supported |
MarginX |
Unsupported |
MarginY |
Unsupported |
PenTip |
Unsupported |
PictureFileName |
Unsupported |
PictureSizeMode |
Supported |
Pointer |
Supported |
PowerTipText |
Supported |
Status |
Unsupported |
TabOrder |
Supported |
Tag |
Supported |
Visible |
Supported |
Width |
Supported |
X |
Supported |
Y |
Supported |
Event added by PowerServer
Appeon_recognition - Occurs when the last ink stroke has finished (that is, Stroke event is ended) for the period of time specified in the Recognitiontimer property. This event provides a way for the developer to write PowerScript to, for example, save user strokes as images or blob data to the database.
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Clicked |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
Destructor |
Supported |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragWithin |
Supported |
Gesture |
Supported |
GetFocus |
Supported |
Help |
Supported |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
Other |
Supported |
RButtonDown |
Unsupported |
SelectionChanged |
Unsupported |
SelectionChanging |
Unsupported |
SizeChanged |
Supported |
Stroke |
Supported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
Drag |
Supported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
Hide |
Supported |
LoadInk |
Unsupported |
LoadPicture |
Supported |
Move |
Supported |
PointerX |
Supported |
PointerY |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
Unsupported |
ResetInk |
Supported |
ResetPicture |
Supported |
Resize |
Supported |
Save |
Supported |
WithInk argument can only be set to "True", not "False". |
SaveInk |
Unsupported |
SetFocus |
Supported |
SetPosition |
Supported |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Supported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BeginX |
Supported |
ln_1.BeginX = li_value |
BeginY |
Supported |
ln_1.BeginY = li_value |
EndX |
Supported |
ln_1.EndX = li_value |
EndY |
Supported |
ln_1.EndY = li_value |
LineColor |
Supported |
ln_1.LineColor = ll_value ln_1.LineColor = RGB(192,192,192) |
LineStyle |
Supported |
ln_1.LineStyle = Continuous! ln_1.LineStyle = Dash! ln_1.LineStyle = DashDot! ln_1.LineStyle = DashDotDot! ln_1.LineStyle = Dot! ln_1.LineStyle = Transparent! |
LineThickness |
Supported |
ln_1.LineThickness = li_value |
Tag |
Supported |
ln_1.Tag = ls_value |
Visible |
Supported |
ln_1.Visible = TRUE ln_1.Visible = lb_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = ln_1.ClassName() |
GetParent |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ln_1.GetParent( ) |
Hide |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ln_1.Hide( ) |
Move |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ln_1.Move(li_xpos, li_ypos) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ln_1.Resize(100, 150) |
Show |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = ln_1.Show() |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if ln_1.typeof() = Line! Then ls_returnvalue = 'Line!' else ls_returnvalue = 'Invalid' end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
lb_1.Accelerator=67 |
BackColor |
Supported |
lb_1.BackColor = ll_value lb_1.BackColor = RGB(192,192,192) |
Border |
Supported |
lb_1.Border = lb_value |
BringToTop |
Supported |
lb_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
lb_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! lb_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! lb_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! Note: StyleShadowBox! is unsupported. |
DisableNoScroll |
Supported |
lb_1.DisableNoScroll = FALSE lb_1.DisableNoScroll = lb_value |
DragAuto |
Supported |
lb_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
lb_1.DragIcon = 'c:\examples\arrow.ico' lb_1.DragIcon = 'Question!' |
Enabled |
Supported |
lb_1.Enabled = lb_value |
ExtendedSelect |
Supported |
lb_1.ExtendedSelect = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
lb_1.FaceName = ls_value |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
lb_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
lb_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
lb_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
lb_1.Height = li_value |
HScrollBar |
Supported |
lb_1.HScrollBar = TRUE lb_1.HscrollBar = lb_value |
Italic |
Supported |
lb_1.Italic = lb_value |
Item[ ] |
Supported |
ls_value = lb_1.Item[1] |
MultiSelect |
Supported |
lb_1.MultiSelect = lb_value |
Pointer |
Supported |
lb_1.Pointer = 'SizeNS!' lb_1.Pointer='d:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
lb_1.RightToLeft = TRUE |
Sorted |
Supported |
lb_1.Sorted = TRUE |
TabOrder |
Supported |
lb_1.TabOrder = 60 |
Tag |
Supported |
lb_1.Tag = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
lb_1.TextColor = ll_value lb_1.TextColor = RGB(192,192,192) |
TextSize |
Supported |
lb_1.TextSize = li_value |
Underline |
Supported |
lb_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
lb_1.Visible = lb_value |
VScrollBar |
Supported |
lb_1.VscrollBar = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
lb_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
lb_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
lb_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
lb_1.Y = li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
TabStop[ ] |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DoubleClicked() |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
SelectionChanged |
Supported |
SelectionChanged(index) |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
AddItem |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.AddItem(item) |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_ returnvalue = lb_1.ClassName() |
DeleteItem |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.DeleteItem(index) |
DirList |
Supported |
lb_1.DirList("C:\EMPLOYEE\*.TXT", 0) |
DirSelect |
Supported |
lb_1.DirSelect(ls_filename) |
Drag |
Supported |
lb_1.Drag(End!) |
Find Item |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.FindItem(text, index) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_returnvalue lpo_returnvalue = lb_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.Hide() |
InsertItem |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.InsertItem(ls_x, li_y) |
Move |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = string(lb_1.Move(li_x,li_y)) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
lb_returnvalue = string(lb_1.PostEvent(Clicked!)) |
Reset |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.Reset() |
Resize |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.Resize(li_x,li_y) |
SelectedIndex |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.SelectedIndex() |
SelectedItem |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = lb_1.SelectedItem() |
SelectItem |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.SelectItem (item, index) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.SetFocus() Unsupported: SetFocus(lb_test) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_value = lb_1.SetRedraw(TRUE) |
SetState |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.SetState(index, lb_y) |
SetTop |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.SetTop(index) |
Show |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.Show() |
State |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.State(index) |
Text |
Supported |
ls_returnvalue = lb_1.Text (index) |
Top |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.Top() |
TotalItems |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.TotalItems() |
TotalSelected |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.TotalSelected() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_returnvalue = lb_1.TriggerEvent(event) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if lb_1.typeof() = listbox! Then ls_returnvalue ='listbox!' else ls_returnvalue ='isvalid' end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Important Requirements
In the ListView control, selecting multiple items at one time is unsupported.
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
lv_1.Accelerator=67 |
AutoArrange |
Supported |
lv_1.AutoArrange = TRUE |
BackColor |
Supported |
lv_1.BackColor = ll_value lv_1.BackColor = RGB(192,192,192) Note: transparent value is unsupported. |
Border |
Supported |
lv_1.Border = lb_value |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
lv_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! lv_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! lv_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! Note: StyleShadowBox! is not supported. |
BringToTop |
Supported |
lv_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
ButtonHeader |
Supported |
lv_1.ButtonHeader = TRUE |
CheckBoxes |
Supported |
lv_1.CheckBoxes = TRUE |
DeleteItems |
Supported |
lv_1.DeleteItems = lb_value |
DragAuto |
Supported |
lv_1.DragAuto = TRUE |
DragIcon |
Supported |
lv_1.DragIcon = 'c:\archive\arrow.ico'' |
EditLabels |
Supported |
lv_1.EditLabels = lb_value |
Enabled |
Supported |
lv_1.Enabled = lb_value |
ExtendedSelect |
Supported |
lv_1.ExtendedSelect = TRUE |
FaceName |
Supported |
lv_1.FaceName =ls_value |
FixedLocations |
Supported |
lv_1.FixedLocations = FALSE |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
lv_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
lv_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
lv_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
FullRowSelect |
Supported |
lv_1.FullRowSelect = TRUE |
GridLines |
Supported |
lv_1.GridLines = TRUE |
HeaderDragDrop |
Supported |
lv_1.HeaderDragDrop = TRUE |
Height |
Supported |
lv_1.Height = li_value |
HideSelection |
Supported |
lv_1.HideSelection = FALSE |
Italic |
Supported |
lv_1.Italic = lb_value |
Item[ ] |
Supported |
lv_1.item[intx] = ls_value |
ItemPictureIndex[ ] |
Supported |
lv_1.ItemPictureIndex [li_x] = ls_value |
LabelWrap |
Supported |
lv_1.LabelWrap = TRUE |
LargePictureHeight |
Supported |
lv_1.LargePictureHeight = li_value Note: This value cannot be set to 0 or negative. |
LargePictureMaskColor |
Supported |
lv_1.LargePictureMaskColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) |
LargePictureName[ ] |
Supported |
lv_1.LargePictureName [li_x] = ls_value |
LargePictureWidth |
Supported |
lv_1.LargePictureWidth = li_value Note: This value cannot be set to 0 or negative. |
OneClickActivate |
Supported |
lv_1.OneClickActivate = TRUE |
Pointer |
Supported |
lv_1.Pointer = 'SizeNS!' lv_1.Pointer = 'd:\archive\IBEAM.BMP.cur' |
Scrolling |
Supported |
lv_1.Scrolling = TRUE |
ShowHeader |
Supported |
lv_1.ShowHeader = TRUE |
SmallPictureHeight |
Supported |
lv_1.SmallPictureHeight = li_value Note: This value cannot be set to 0 or negative. |
SmallPictureMaskColor |
Supported |
lv_1.SmallPictureMaskColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) |
SmallPictureName[ ] |
Supported |
lv_1.SmallPictureName [li_x] = ls_value |
SmallPictureWidth |
Supported |
lv_1.SmallPictureWidth = li_value Note: This value cannot be set to 0 or negative. |
SortType |
Supported |
lv_1.SortType = Unsorted! |
StatePictureMaskColor |
Supported |
lv_1.StatePictureMaskColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) |
StatePictureName[ ] |
Supported |
lv_1.StatePictureName [li_x] = ls_value |
TabOrder |
Supported |
lv_1.TabOrder = 70 |
Tag |
Supported |
lv_1.Tag = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
lv_1.TextColor = ll_value lv_1.TextColor = RGB(192,192,192) |
TextSize |
Supported |
lv_1.TextSize = li_value |
TrackSelect |
Supported |
lv_1.TrackSelect = TRUE |
TwoClickActivate |
Supported |
lv_1.TwoClickActivate = TRUE |
Underline |
Supported |
lv_1.Underline = lb_value |
UnderlineCold |
Supported |
lv_1.UnderlineCold = TRUE |
UnderlineHot |
Supported |
lv_1.UnderlineHot = TRUE |
View |
Supported |
lv_1.View = ListViewLargeIcon! |
Visible |
Supported |
lv_1.Visible = lb_value |
Weight |
Supported |
lv_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
lv_1.Width = li_value |
X |
Supported |
lv_1.X = li_value |
Y |
Supported |
lv_1.Y =li_value |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
LayoutRTL |
Unsupported |
StatePictureHeight |
Unsupported |
StatePictureWidth |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
BeginDrag |
Supported |
BeginDrag(index) |
BeginLabelEdit |
Supported |
BeginLabelEdit(index) |
BeginRightDrag |
Supported |
BeginRightDrag(index) |
Clicked |
Supported |
Clicked(index) |
ColumnClick |
Supported |
ColumnClick(column) |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
DeleteAllItems |
Supported |
DeleteAllItems() |
DeleteItem |
Supported |
DeleteItem(index) |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DoubleClicked(index) |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source,index) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source,index) |
EndLabelEdit |
Supported |
EndLabelEdit(index,newlabel) |
GetFocus |
Supported |
GetFocus() |
InsertItem |
Supported |
InsertIem(index) |
ItemActivate |
Supported |
ItemActivate(index, focuschanged, hasfocus, selectionchange, selected, otherchange) |
ItemChanged |
Supported |
ItemChanged(index, focuschanged, hasfocus, selectionchange, selected, otherchange) |
ItemChanging |
Supported |
ItemChanging(index, focuschange, hasfocus, selectionchange, selected, otherchange) |
Key |
Supported |
Key(key,keyflags) |
LoseFocus |
Supported |
LoseFocus() |
RightClicked |
Supported |
RightClicked(index) |
RightDoubleClicked |
Supported |
RightDoubleClicked(index) |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Sort |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
AddColumn |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.AddColumn(ls_x,Center!,li_y) |
AddItem |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.AddItem(ls_x,li_y) |
AddLargePicture |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.AddLargePicture(ls_prop) |
AddSmallPicture |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.AddSmallPicture(ls_prop) |
AddStatePicture |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.AddstatePicture(ls_prop) |
Arrange |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.Arrange() |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_value = lv_1.ClassName( ) |
DeleteColumn |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteColumn(1) |
DeleteColumns |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteColumns( ) |
DeleteItem |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteItem(li_x) |
DeleteItems |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteItems( ) |
DeleteLargePicture |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteLargePicture(li_x) |
DeleteLargePictures |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteLargePictures( ) |
DeleteSmallPicture |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteSmallPicture(li_x) |
DeleteSmallPictures |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteSmallPictures( ) |
DeleteStatePicture |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteStatePicture(li_x) |
DeleteStatePictures |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.DeleteStatePictures( ) |
Drag |
Supported |
lv_1.Drag(Begin!) |
EditLabel |
Supported |
li_value= lv_1.EditLabel() |
FindItem |
Supported |
li_Value = lv_1.FindItem (startindex, label, partial, wrap) li_value = lv_1.FindItem (startindex, direction, focused, selected, cuthighlighted, drophighlighted) |
GetColumn |
Supported |
li_strValue = lv_1.GetColumn(index, label, alignment, width) |
GetItem |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.GetItem(li_x,lv1) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_returnvalue lpo_returnvalue = lv_1.GetParent() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.Hide( ) |
InsertColumn |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.InsertColumn(li_x,ls_x,Center!,li_y) |
InsertItem |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.InsertItem(2, "Insert String") |
Move |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
lv_1.PostEvent(Clicked!) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.Resize(li_x,li_y) |
SelectedIndex |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.SelectedIndex( ) |
SetColumn |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.SetColumn(li_x,ls_x,Center!,li_y) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.SetFocus( ) Unsupported: SetFocus(lv_test) |
SetItem |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.SetItem(li_x[],li_y[],lv1) |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.SetPosition(Behind!, lv_three) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.SetRedraw(TRUE) |
Show |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.Show( ) |
Sort |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.Sort(Ascending!) li_value = lv_1.Sort(Descending!) li_value = lv_1.Sort(Unsorted!) Note: userdefinesort! is not supported. |
TotalColumns |
Supported |
li_cols = lv_1.TotalColumns( ) |
TotalItems |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.TotalItems( ) |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
li_value = lv_1.TriggerEvent("Clicked") |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if lv_1.TypeOf( ) = ListView! Then ls_value = "ListView!" else ls_value = "invalid" end if |
SetOverlayPicture |
Supported |
lv_1.SetOverlayPicture(1, index) |
TotalSelected |
Supported |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
GetOrigin |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |
Property |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Accelerator |
Supported |
mc_1.Accelerator=67 |
AccessibleDescription |
Supported |
AccessibleName |
Supported |
AccessibleRole |
Supported |
AutoSize |
Supported |
mc_1.AutoSize = false |
BackColor |
Supported |
mc_1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) mc_1.BackColor = ll_value |
Border |
Supported |
mc_1.Border = TRUE mc_1.Border = lb_value |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
mc_1.BorderStyle = StyleBox! mc_1.BorderStyle = StyleLowered! mc_1.BorderStyle = StyleRaised! Note: StyleShadowBox! is unsupported. |
BringToTop |
Supported |
mc_1.BringToTop = TRUE |
DragAuto |
Supported |
mc_1.DragAuto = TRUE Note: On the Web, dragging a DatePicker control will not trigger the DropDown event if the DragAuto property is set to True, which means there is no Month Calender displayed on the Web when you Drag the DatePicker with setting the DragAuto property to True. |
DragIcon |
Supported |
mc_1.DragIcon = 'arrow.ico' |
Enabled |
Supported |
mc_1.Enabled=TRUE mc_1.Enabled = lb_value |
FaceName |
Supported |
mc_1.FaceName = "" mc_1.FaceName = ls_value |
FirstDayOfWeek |
Supported |
mc_1.FirstDayOfWeek = Monday! |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
mc_1.FontCharSet = ANSI! |
FontFamily |
Supported |
mc_1.FontFamily = Roman! |
FontPitch |
Supported |
mc_1.FontPitch = Fixed! |
Height |
Supported |
mc_1.Height = 750 mc_1.Height = li_value |
Italic |
Supported |
mc_1.Italic=TRUE mc_1.Italic = lb_value |
MaxSelectCount |
Supported |
mc_1.MaxSelectCount = 7 |
MonthBackColor |
Supported |
mc_1.MonthBackColor = RGB(255, 255, 0 |
Pointer |
Supported |
mc_1.Pointer = 'Size!' |
ScrollRate |
Supported |
mc_1.ScrollRate = 3 |
TabOrder |
Supported |
mc_1.TabOrder = 30 |
Tag |
Supported |
mc_1.Tag = ls_value |
TextColor |
Supported |
mc_1.TextColor = ll_value |
TextSize |
Supported |
mc_1.TextSize = li_value |
TitleBackColor |
Supported |
mc_1.TitleBackColor = RGB(128, 255, 128) |
TitleTextColor |
Supported |
mc_1.TitleTextColor = RGB(0,0,255) |
TodayCircle |
Supported |
mc_1.TodaySection = false |
TodaySection |
Supported |
mc_1.TodaySection = false |
TrailingTextColor |
Supported |
mc_1.TrailingTextColor = 134217731 |
Underline |
Supported |
mc_1.Underline = lb_value |
Visible |
Supported |
mc_1.Visible = True |
WeekNumbers |
Supported |
mc_1.WeekNumbers = true |
Weight |
Supported |
mc_1.Weight = 700 mc_1.Weight = li_value |
Width |
Supported |
mc_1.Width = li_value Note:
X |
Supported |
mc_1.X = li_value Note:
Y |
Supported |
mc_1.Y = li_value Note:
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
RightToLeft |
Unsupported |
Event |
Support Level |
Example Code |
Clicked |
Supported |
Clicked() |
Constructor |
Supported |
Constructor() |
DateChanged |
Supported |
DateChanged() Note: SetSelectedDate and SetSelectedRange trigger a DateChanged event twice on the Web. |
Destructor |
Supported |
Destructor() |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
Doubleclicked(flags,xpos,ypos) |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragDrop(source) |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragEnter(source) |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragLeave(source) |
DragWithin |
Supported |
DragWithin(source) |
RButtonDown |
Supported |
RButtonDown(flags, xpos, ypos) |
GetFocus |
Unsupported |
LoseFocus |
Unsupported |
Help |
Unsupported |
UserString |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
Function |
Support Level |
Example Code |
ClassName |
Supported |
ls_value = mc_1.ClassName() |
ClearBoldDates |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.ClearBoldDates() |
Drag |
Supported |
mc_1.Drag(Begin!) Note: If you use Drag(Begin!), single mouse clicking will trigger DragEnter and DragDrop event in sequence on the Web. This is different from the event sequences in PowerBuilder. |
GetDateLimits |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.GetDateLimits (mindate, maxdate) |
GetDisplayRange |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.GetDisplayRange (startdate, enddate,PartlyDisplayed!) |
GetParent |
Supported |
PowerObject lpo_returnvalue lpo_returnvalue = mc_1.GetParent() |
GetSelectedDate |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.GetSelectedDate(seldate) Notes:
GetSelectedRange |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.GetSelectedRange(startdate, enddate) Note: The function will trigger a DateChanged event twice on the Web. |
GetToday |
Supported |
currentdate = mc_1.GetToday() |
Hide |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.Hide() |
Move |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.Move(li_x,li_y) |
PointerX |
Supported |
li_value = mc_1.PointerX() |
PointerY |
Supported |
li_value = mc_1.PointerY() |
PostEvent |
Supported |
mc_1.PostEvent(Constructor!) |
Resize |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.Resize(li_width,li_height) |
SetBoldDate |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetBoldDate(d, true) |
SetDateLimits |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetDateLimits(mindate, maxdate) |
SetFocus |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetFocus() |
SetPosition |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetPosition(position) |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
li_return= mc_1.SetRedraw(FALSE) |
SetSelectedDate |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetSelectedDate(seldate) Notes: If input an invalid date, the function returns 0 on the Web but -1 in PowerBuilder. |
SetSelectedRange |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetSelectedRange(startdate, enddate) |
SetToday |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.SetToday(currentdate) |
Show |
Supported |
li_return = mc_1.Show() |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
mc_1.TriggerEvent(Constructor!) |
TypeOf |
Supported |
if mc_1.TypeOf() = MonthCalendar! Then ls_return = 'MonthCalendar!' else ls_return = 'isvalid' end if |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
Unsupported |