Table 98. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Close |
Unsupported |
Idle |
This event is supported in iOS, but unsupported in Android. |
Supported |
Open |
Unsupported |
SystemError |
Supported | appeon_android_back |
This event is defined by PowerServer Mobile and will be triggered when the Back button on the Android device is pressed. When you add this event, keep Event ID default to None. If you set Event ID to other value than None, this event will not be triggered. |
Table 99. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Unsupported |
SetLibraryList |
Unsupported |
SetTransPool |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 100. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AppName |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
DDETimeOut |
Supported |
DisplayName |
Unsupported |
DWMessageTitle |
Unsupported |
FreeDBLibraries |
Supported |
MicroHelpDefault |
Supported |
RightToLeft |
Supported |
ToolbarFrameTitle |
Unsupported |
ToolbarPopMenuText |
Supported |
ToolbarSheetTitle |
Supported |
ToolbarText |
Supported |
ToolbarTips |
Unsupported |
ToolbarUserControl |
Table 101. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
Destructor |
Unsupported |
Error |
Table 102. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Supported |
ConnectToServer |
Supported |
CreateInstance |
Supported |
DisconnectServer |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Unsupported |
GetServerInfo |
Unsupported |
Lookup |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Unsupported |
RemoteStopListening |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 103. Options
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ORBcacheSize |
Supported |
ORBcertificateLabel |
Supported |
ORBCodeSet |
Supported |
ORBentrustIniFile |
Supported |
ORBentrustPassword |
Supported |
ORBentrustUserProfile |
Supported |
ORBHttp |
Supported |
ORBHttpExtraHeader |
Supported |
ORBIdleConnectionTimeout |
Supported |
ORBLogFile |
Supported |
ORBLogllOP |
Supported |
ORBpin |
Supported |
ORBProxyHost |
Supported |
ORBProxyPort |
Supported |
ORBqop |
Supported |
ORBRetryCount |
Supported |
ORBRetryDelay |
Supported |
ORBsocketReuseLimit |
Supported |
ORBuseEntrustID |
Supported |
ORBuserdata |
Supported |
ORBWebProxyHost |
Table 104. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Application |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
ConnectString |
Supported |
Driver |
Supported |
ErrCode |
Supported |
ErrText |
Unsupported |
Handle |
Supported |
Location |
Unsupported |
Options |
Supported |
Password |
Unsupported |
Trace |
Supported |
UserID |
Table 106. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
_Is_A |
Unsupported |
_Narrow |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 109. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetDynamicDate |
Supported |
GetDynamicDateTime |
Supported |
GetDynamicDecimal |
Supported |
GetDynamicNumber |
Supported |
GetDynamicParm |
Supported |
GetDynamicString |
Supported |
GetDynamicTime |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 110. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
InParmType[] |
Supported |
NumInputs |
Supported |
NumOutputs |
Supported |
OutParmType[] |
Table 112. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 114. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
GetParent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 115. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
CharSet |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
CPUType |
In iOS and Android, the default value is i286. |
Unsupported |
Language |
In iOS and Android, the default value is languagemal tese. |
Unsupported |
MachineCode |
In iOS and Android, the default value is False. |
Unsupported |
NumberOfColors |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 0. |
Unsupported |
OSFixesRevison |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 0. |
Unsupported |
OSMajorRevision |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 6. |
Unsupported |
OSMinorRevision |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 1. |
Unsupported |
OSType |
In iOS and Android, the default value is windowsnt!. |
Unsupported |
PBBuildNumber |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 1. |
Unsupported |
PBFixesRevision |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 4. |
Unsupported |
PBMajorRevision |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 8. |
Unsupported |
PBMinorRevision |
In iOS and Android, the default value is 0. |
Unsupported |
PBType |
In iOS and Android, the default value is enterprise!. |
Supported |
ScreenHeight |
In iOS and Android, it gets the height of the mobile screen in points. |
Supported |
ScreenWidth |
In iOS and Android, it gets the width of the mobile screen in points. |
Unsupported |
Win16(obsolete) |
In iOS and Android, the default value is False. |
Table 116. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Clicked |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
Destructor |
Supported |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragWithin |
Supported |
GetFocus |
Unsupported |
Help |
Supported |
LoseFocus |
Unsupported |
Other |
Supported |
RButtonDown |
Table 117. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AddCategory |
Supported |
AddData |
Supported |
AddSeries |
Supported |
CategoryCount |
Supported |
CategoryName |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
Clipboard |
Supported |
DataCount |
Supported |
DeleteCategory |
Supported |
DeleteSeries |
Supported |
Drag |
Supported |
FindCategory |
Supported |
FindSeries |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetData |
Unsupported |
GetDataLabelling |
Supported |
GetDataPieExplode |
Supported |
GetDataStyle |
Unsupported |
GetDataTransparency |
Supported |
GetDataValue |
Supported |
GetParent |
Unsupported |
GetSeriesLabelling |
Supported |
GetSeriesStyle |
Supported |
GetSeriesTransparency |
Supported |
Hide |
Unsupported |
ImportClipboard |
Supported |
ImportFile |
Supported |
ImportString |
Supported |
InsertCategory |
Supported |
InsertData |
The data point will be inserted according to the sorting rules of the Category axis. |
Supported |
InsertSeries |
Supported |
ModifyData |
Supported |
Move |
Supported |
ObjectAtPointer |
Supported |
PointerX |
Supported |
PointerY |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Unsupported |
Supported |
Reset |
Supported |
ResetDataColors |
Supported |
Resize |
Unsupported |
SaveAs |
Supported |
SeriesCount |
Supported |
SeriesName |
Unsupported |
SetDataLabelling |
Supported |
SetDataPieExplode |
Supported |
SetDataStyle |
Unsupported |
SetDataTransparency |
Supported |
SetFocus |
Supported |
SetPosition |
Supported |
SetRedraw |
Unsupported |
SetSeriesLabelling |
Supported |
SetSeriesStyle |
When using this function to set the overlay style of Graph DataWindow to "Scatter", it returns true and displays the DataWindow with all data points connected by lines. This is different from that in PowerBuilder. |
Unsupported |
SetSeriesTransparency |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 118. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
AccessibleDescription |
Unsupported |
AccessibleName |
Unsupported |
AccessibleRole |
Supported |
BackColor |
Transparent value is unsupported. |
Supported |
Border |
Supported |
BorderStyle |
Supported |
BringToTop |
Supported |
Category |
Supported |
CategorySort |
If the values of Category are multibyte characters (for example, Chinese characters), they will be sorted by internal statement number. |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
Depth |
Unsupported |
DragAuto |
Unsupported |
DragIcon |
Supported |
Elevation |
Supported |
Enabled |
Supported |
FocusRectangle |
Supported |
GraphType |
The following graph types are unsupported: Area3D!, Bar3DGraph!, Col3DGraph!, Line3D!, and Pie3D!. |
Supported |
Height |
Supported |
Legend |
Supported |
LegendDispAttr |
Supported |
OverlapPercent |
Supported |
Perspective |
Supported |
PieDispAttr |
Supported on Web Only |
Pointer |
Unsupported |
Render3D |
Supported |
Rotation |
Supported |
Series |
Supported |
SeriesSort |
The result of this property may differ between PowerServer Mobile and PowerBuilder, because changing other properties may affect the SeriesSort property in PowerBuilder but it does not affect that in PowerServer Mobile. If the values of Category are multibyte characters (for example, Chinese characters), they will be sorted by internal statement numbers in PowerServer Mobile. |
Supported |
ShadeColor |
Supported |
Spacing |
Supported |
TabOrder |
Supported |
Tag |
Supported |
TextColor |
Supported |
Title |
Supported |
TitleDispAttr |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Supported |
Values |
Supported |
Visible |
Supported |
Width |
Supported |
X |
Supported |
Y |
Table 119. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 120. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AutoScale |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
DataType |
In PowerServer Mobile, if the datatype of axis is set to AdtDateTime!, a graph can only display the data for one day. It is unsupported to dynamically modify the GraphType property, if the datatype of the axis will be changed after the modification. |
Supported |
DispAttr |
Supported |
DisplayEveryNLabels |
Supported |
DropLines |
Supported |
Frame |
Supported |
Label |
Supported |
LabelDispAttr |
Supported |
MajorDivisions |
Supported |
MajorGridLine |
Supported |
MajorTic |
Supported |
MaximumValue |
Supported |
MaxVaIDateTime |
Supported |
MinimumValue |
Supported |
MinorDivisions |
Supported |
MinorGridLine |
Supported |
MinorTic |
Supported |
MinValDateTime |
Supported |
OriginLine |
Supported |
PrimaryLine |
Supported |
RoundTo |
Supported |
RoundToUnit |
Supported |
ScaleType |
Modifying the ScaleType property for an axis in PowerServer Mobile will affect only the involved axis. This may differ from PowerBuilder. Graphs in PowerServer Mobile will be displayed exactly as the settings of MajorDivisions, MinorDivisions, MaximumValue, and RoundTo. There is no displaying difference between the linear and logarithmic scaling. |
Supported |
ScaleValue |
Supported |
SecondaryLine |
Supported |
ShadeBackEdge |
Table 121. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 122. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Alignment |
Supported |
AutoSize |
Supported |
BackColor |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
DisplayExpression |
When specifying the display expression in the Display Expression field, please notice the following unsupported features with the Columns box: 1) (For all graphs) percentofcategory and the percentofgraph are unsupported. 2) (For all graphs) percentofseries is unsupported when the text object is set to Value Axis Text or Legend. 3) categorypercentofgraph and percentofseries are unsupported when the text object is set to Pie Graph Labels and there are multiple series. 4) (For pie graph only) percentofseries is unsupported when the text object is set to Legend. |
Supported |
Escapement |
1) When the value of Escapement is a negative number, the text will not be rotated. 2) The text rotated can be displayed out of the control in PowerBuilder, but not in the mobile application. 3) After rotated, the multiple-line text still displays in multiple lines in PowerBuilder, but displays in one line in PowerServer Mobile. |
Supported |
FaceName |
Supported |
FillPattern |
Supported |
FontCharSet |
Supported |
FontFamily |
Supported |
FontPitch |
Supported |
Format |
Supported |
Italic |
Supported |
TextColor |
Supported |
TextSize |
Supported |
Underline |
Supported |
Weight |
Table 124. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Supported |
ClearRequestHeaders |
Supported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
GetRequestHeader |
Supported |
GetRequestHeaders |
Supported |
GetResponseBody |
Supported |
GetResponseHeader |
Supported |
GetResponseHeaders |
Supported |
GetResponseStatusCode |
Supported |
GetResponseStatusText |
Supported |
PostData |
Supported |
PostDataEnd |
Supported |
PostDataStart |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
ReadData |
Supported |
SendRequest |
Supported |
SetRequestHeader |
Supported |
SetRequestHeaders |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 125. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AutoReadData |
Supported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
SecureProtocol |
Supported |
TimeOut |
Table 127. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
GetURL |
The return value in iOS and Android is as following: 1 -- Success. -1 -- General error: All the error except the following errors. -2 -- Invalid URL: Invalid URL or unsupported protocol. -4 -- Cannot connect to the Internet: This error is returned only when IE is set as offline state, but offline state does not exist in the mobile application. |
Supported |
HyperLinkToURL |
In order for Android to recognize the URL, the URL must always start with "http://" or "https://", for example, "", while iOS can recognize URLs without "http://" or "https://", for example, "". |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
PostURL |
The return value in iOS and Android is as following: 1 -- Success. -1 -- General error: All the error except the following errors. -2 -- Invalid URL: Invalid URL or unsupported protocol. -4 -- Cannot connect to the Internet: This error is returned only when IE is set as offline state, but offline state does not exist in the mobile application. -5 -- Unsupported secure (HTTPS) connection attempted: HTTPS is supported in the mobile application, so this error will not return. -6 -- Internet request failed: server internal errors (such as 500), illegal request (such as 400), resource not found (such as 404), etc. |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 130. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
InternetData |
Supported |
InternetStatus |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 132. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
Destructor |
Supported |
Error |
Table 133. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
Init |
Supported |
Object_To_String |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
Resolve_Initial_References |
Supported |
String_To_Object |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 135. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Unsupported |
GetParent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 136. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
CutHighlighted |
Supported |
Data |
Unsupported |
DropHighlighted |
Supported |
HasFocus |
Unsupported |
ItemX |
Unsupported |
ItemY |
Supported |
Label |
In PowerBuilder, if the string label is too long to display in one line, the string will display in multiple lines. However, in the mobile application, the string will only display in one line. |
Unsupported |
OverlayPictureIndex |
Supported |
PictureIndex |
Supported |
Selected |
Supported |
StatePictureIndex |
Table 137. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
Hide |
Supported |
Move |
Supported |
Resize |
Supported |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 138. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
BackColor |
Unsupported |
BringToTop |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
Height |
Supported |
MicroHelpHeight |
Supported |
Tag |
Supported |
Visible |
Supported |
Width |
Supported |
X |
Supported |
Y |
It is unsupported to include "~r~n" in the syntax of the Menu object.
Table 139. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Clicked |
Note: The Clicked event cannot be triggered for a menu item that has a submenu. |
Unsupported |
Help |
Supported |
Selected |
Table 140. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Check |
Supported |
ClassName |
Supported |
Disable |
Supported |
Enable |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
Hide |
Supported |
PopMenu |
In PowerBuilder, the menu will pop up every time you click the mouse, while in PowerServer Mobile, the odd number (n) of times when your finger taps, the menu will pop up, the even number (n+1) of times when your finger taps, the menu will disappear. In PowerBuilder, the menu pops up and the menu item is executed via "Trigger", while in PowerServer Mobile, it is via "Post", which causes the scripts to be executed in a different order. To workaround this difference, move the scripts after PopMenu to another event, execute these scripts via PostEvent() after PopMenu is called. If the PopMenu is dynamically created, it cannot be destroyed until the scripts for the menu items are executed. |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Supported |
Uncheck |
Table 141. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
BitmapBackColor |
Unsupported |
BitmapGradient |
Supported |
Checked |
The Checked property of Menu always returns True in PowerServer Mobile. |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
Default |
Supported |
Enabled |
Supported |
FaceName |
Supported |
Italic |
Supported |
Item[] |
Support using Item[] in different ways: lm_onemenu = m_main.Item[1].Item[1] m_main.Item[1].Item[1].text = “open a Window” m_main.Item[1].Item[1].triggerevent(clicked) Dynamically adding menu items with Item[] is supported. |
Unsupported |
MenuAnimation |
Unsupported |
MenuBackColor |
Unsupported |
MenuBitmaps |
Unsupported |
MenuHighlightColor |
Supported |
MenuImage |
Unsupported |
MenuItemType |
Supported |
MenuStyle |
Unsupported |
MenuTextColor |
Unsupported |
MenuTitles |
Unsupported |
MenuTitleText |
Unsupported |
MergeOption |
Unsupported |
MicroHelp |
Supported |
ParentWindow |
Unsupported |
ShiftToRight |
Unsupported |
Shortcut |
Supported |
Tag |
Supported |
Text |
Supported |
TextSize |
Unsupported |
TitleBackColor |
Unsupported |
TitleGradient |
Unsupported |
ToolbarAnimation |
Unsupported |
ToolbarBackColor |
Unsupported |
ToolbarGradient |
Unsupported |
ToolbarHighlightColor |
Supported |
ToolbarItemBarIndex |
If the ToolbarItemBarIndex property is set to 0, the toolbar does not display in PowerBuilder but displays in PowerServer Mobile. |
Supported |
ToolbarItemDown |
Supported |
ToolbarItemDownName |
Supported |
ToolbarItemName |
Supported |
ToolbarItemOrder |
Unsupported |
ToolbarItemSpace |
Unsupported |
ToolbarItemText |
Supported |
ToolbarItemVisible |
Unsupported |
ToolbarStyle |
Unsupported |
ToolbarTextColor |
Supported |
Underline |
Supported |
Visible |
Supported |
Weight |
Table 142. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Clicked |
Unsupported |
Help |
Supported |
Selected |
Table 143. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Check |
Supported |
ClassName |
Supported |
Disable |
Supported |
Enable |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
Hide |
Supported |
PopMenu |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Supported |
Uncheck |
Table 144. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Checked |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
Columns |
Supported |
CurrentItem |
Supported |
Default |
Supported |
DropDown |
Supported |
Enabled |
Supported |
Item[] |
Unsupported |
MenuItemType |
Unsupported |
MergeOption |
Supported |
MicroHelp |
Supported |
ParentWindow |
Supported |
ShiftToRight |
Supported |
Shortcut |
Supported |
Tag |
Supported |
Text |
Supported |
ToolbarItemBarIndex |
Supported |
ToolbarItemDown |
Supported |
ToolbarItemDownName |
Supported |
ToolbarItemName |
Supported |
ToolbarItemOrder |
Supported |
ToolbarItemSpace |
Supported |
ToolbarItemText |
Supported |
ToolbarItemVisible |
Supported |
Visible |
Table 146. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 147. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
DoubleParm |
Unsupported |
Handle |
Supported |
LongParm |
Unsupported |
Number |
Supported |
PowerObjectParm |
Supported |
Processed |
Unsupported |
ReturnValue |
Supported |
StringParm |
Supported |
WordParm |
Table 148. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
BeginDownload |
Unsupported |
BeginLogScan |
Supported |
BeginSync |
Supported |
BeginUpload |
Supported |
ConnectMobiLink |
Supported |
DisconnectMobiLink |
Unsupported |
DisplayMessage |
Supported |
EndDownload |
Unsupported |
EndLogScan |
Supported |
EndSync |
Supported |
EndUpload |
Supported |
ErrorMessage |
Unsupported |
FileMessage |
Supported |
ProgressIndex |
The ProgressIndex event occurs periodically during synchronization. The value of the progress_idx and progress_max arguments is different from that in PowerBuilder.
Supported |
SyncPreview |
Supported |
UploadAck |
Supported |
WaitForUploadAck |
Supported |
WarningMessage |
Table 149. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
CancelSync |
Supported |
GetCommandString |
Unsupported |
GetDbmlsyncPath |
On mobile, there is no dbmlsync.exe. When this function is called, it returns the empty string. |
Supported |
GetObjectRevisionFromRegistry |
Supported |
GetSyncRegistryProperties |
Only the following synchronization properties are supported by PowerServer Mobile:
Supported |
SetNewMobiLinkPassword |
Supported |
SetParm |
Supported |
SetSyncRegistryProperties |
Only the following synchronization properties are supported by PowerServer Mobile:
Supported |
Synchronize |
The synchronization interface with command line arguments is unsupported. |
Table 150. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
AdditionalOpts |
Supported |
AuthenticateParms |
Supported |
DataSource |
Supported |
DBPass |
Supported |
DBUser |
Unsupported |
EncryptionKey |
This property is unsupported in PowerServer Mobile, instead, you should input the encryption key when configuring the local database in the PowerServer Toolkit. For details, refer to the section called “Offline Settings” in PowerServer Toolkit User Guide. |
Supported |
ExtendedOpts |
These three extended options are supported: sv, ctp and adr.
Supported |
Host |
The Host property will not take effect if the Key value of the license file is set as the adr option of the ExtendedOpts property. |
Supported |
LogFileName |
Creates a log file if UseLogFile=true. |
Unsupported |
LogOpts |
Supported |
MLPass |
Unsupported |
MLServerVersion |
Supported |
MLUser |
Supported |
ObjectRevision |
Supported |
Port |
The Port property will not take effect if the Key value of the license file is set as the adr option of the ExtendedOpts property. |
Supported |
ProcessOption |
Supported |
ProqressWindowName |
Supported |
Publication |
Multiple Publication names separated by commas are supported. |
Supported |
SyncRegistryKey |
Supported |
UseLogFile |
If true, creates a synchronization log. The log file will be written to the plugin folder under the application directory, for example, the \appeon\AppData\Roaming\appeon\localhost_Dotnet_<application-name>\plugin directory. Supports using PowerBuilder file functions to open text and blob files and to read and write to the log file. |
Supported |
UseWindow |
Supported |
WindowObject |
Table 151. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AuthenticateParms |
Supported |
DBPass |
Supported |
DBUser |
Supported |
EncryptionKey |
Supported |
MLPass |
Supported |
MLUser |
Supported |
ReturnCode |
Supported |
UITrans |
Table 152. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
Destructor |
Supported |
Timer |
In Android and iOS, MessageBox will block the execution of the Timer event. |
Table 153. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
Start |
Supported |
Stop |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 154. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
Interval |
Supported |
Running |
Table 155. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Constructor |
Unsupported |
DBError |
Unsupported |
DBNotification |
Supported |
Destructor |
Unsupported |
SQLPreview |
Table 156. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Supported |
DBHandle |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
SyntaxFromSQL |
The following syntax is unsupported: ls_dw_syntax = SyntaxFromSQL (sqlca, ls_sql_syntax, ls_style, ls_dw_err) The data type of computed columns in SyntaxFromSQL cannot be the Appeon unsupported data type. The length of return value in PowerServer Mobile is different from PowerBuilder. The return value of the SyntaxFromSQL function in PowerServer Mobile contains a column name for each column although it is not in PowerBuilder. This function cannot generate correct source code for TreeView DataWindow. For offline applications, this function supports the DataWindow presentation style, but does not support specifying object keywords followed by properties and values to customize the DataWindow, because UltraLite and SQLite do not support the stored procedure. |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 157. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AutoCommit |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
Database |
Supported |
Appeon extends this property so it can be used to specify the database interface of the data source that is used by the CacheName parameter. For values representing the different database interfaces, refer to Table 21, “Setting the DBMS property based on the database type” in PowerServer Configuration Guide for .NET. |
Supported |
DBParm |
DSupported |
DBPass |
Unsupported |
Lock |
Supported |
LogID |
Supported |
LogPass |
Supported |
ServerName |
Supported |
SQLCode |
ll_value = sqlca.SQLCode The returned value of SQLCode in PowerServer: <0 – Error; the statement failed. This is different from PowerBuilder where -1 will be returned, while in PowerServer, it could be any negative number when there is an error. Therefore, it is recommended to use <0 as the evaluation value for errors in both PowerBuilder and Appeon. 0 – Success. 100 – No result. |
Supported |
1) In PowerBuilder, if sqlca.SQLCode=100, then sqlca.SQLDBCode=3. In PowerServer, when sqlca.SQLCode=100, then sqlca.SQLDBCode=0. 2) In the mobile application, SQLDBCode returns a different value from PowerBuilder. It is recommended not to use SQLDBCode in statements such as IF…ELSE. |
Supported |
SQLErrText |
Supported |
SQLNRows |
Unsupported |
SQLReturnData |
Supported |
UserID |
Table 158. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 159. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Bold |
Supported |
Children |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Unsupported |
CutHighLighted |
Supported |
Data |
Unsupported |
DropHighLighted |
Supported |
Expanded |
Supported |
ExpandedOnce |
Supported |
HasFocus |
Supported |
ItemHandle |
This property is supported but is read-only. |
Supported |
Label |
Supported |
Level |
Supported |
OverlayPictureIndex |
Supported |
PictureIndex |
Supported |
Selected |
Supported |
SelectedPictureIndex |
Supported |
StatePictureIndex |
Table 160. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
Destructor |
Supported |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragWithin |
Unsupported |
Help |
Unsupported |
Other |
Supported |
RButtonDown |
Table 161. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Unsupported |
AddItem |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
CloseUserObject |
Supported |
CreatePage |
Unsupported |
DeleteItem |
Supported |
Drag |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
Hide |
Unsupported |
InsertItem |
Supported |
Move |
Supported |
OpenUserObject |
Note: Using Post function to call the OpenUserObject function is unsupported, for example, openuserobject (icbx_uo,100,100) is unsupported. |
Unsupported |
OpenUserObjectWithParm |
Unsupported |
PageCreated |
Supported |
PointerX |
Supported |
PointerY |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Unsupported |
Supported |
Resize |
Supported |
SetFocus |
Supported |
SetPosition |
Supported |
SetRedraw |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 162. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
BackColor |
Transparent value is unsupported. |
Supported |
Border |
Supported |
BorderStyle |
See Common Features. |
Supported |
BringToTop |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
ColumnsPerPage |
Supported |
Control[] |
Unsupported |
DragAuto |
Unsupported |
DragIcon |
Supported |
Enabled |
Supported |
Height |
Supported |
HScrollBar |
Unsupported |
LibraryName |
Unsupported |
LinesPerPage |
Supported |
ObjectType |
Supported |
PictureMaskColor |
Supported |
PictureName |
Supported on Web Only |
Pointer |
Unsupported |
PowerTipText |
Unsupported |
Style |
Supported |
TabBackColor |
Supported |
TabOrder |
Supported |
TabTextColor |
Supported |
Tag |
Supported |
Text |
Unsupported |
Transparency |
Unsupported |
UnitsPerColumn |
Unsupported |
UnitsPerLine |
Supported |
Visible |
Supported |
VScrollBar |
Supported |
Width |
Supported |
X |
Supported |
Y |
Table 164. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ClassName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Table 165. Properties
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AuthenticationMode |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
ClientCertificateFile |
Supported |
Endpoint |
Supported |
Password |
Supported |
ProxyServerHostName |
Supported |
ProxyServerPassword |
Supported |
ProxyServerPort |
Supported |
ProxyServerUserName |
Supported |
Timeout |
Supported |
UserDomain |
Supported |
UserName |
Supported |
UseWindowsIntegratedAuthentication |