The following table shows the supported PowerScript statements with examples:
Table 176.
Statement |
Examples |
Assignment |
a = b + 2
Note: There must not be any space between the following operators: ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, ^=. |
CALL ancestorobject {controlname}::event Call super::eventname Example: Call super::clicked Note: It is supported to use the local variable AncestorReturnValue in an event of a descendant object, if the AncestorReturnValue is generated in a Call Super statement. Call windowname::eventname Example: Call w_parent::ue_ok Call windowname Controlname::eventname Example: Call w_parent dw_1::ue_retrieve |
CHOOSE CASE testexpression CASE expressionlist statementblock { CASE expressionlist statementblock . . . CASE expressionlist statementblock } CASE ELSE statementblock } END CHOOSE Notes: Expressionlist can be one of the following expressions: 1) A single value 2) A list of values separated by commas (such as 2, 4, 6, 8) 3) A TO clause (such as 1 TO 30) 4) IS followed by a relational operator and comparison value (such as IS>5) 5) Functions 6) Any combination of the above with an implied OR between expressions (such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 27 TO 33, IS >42) |
integer A=1, B=1 DO WHILE A < 10 A ++ IF A < 3 THEN CONTINUE B+=A LOOP |
CREATE Support creating object instances for all objects except for PowerObject object, GraphicObject object, WindowObject object, DragObject object, DrawObject object, Function_object object and SystemFunctions object. CREATE USING Support dynamically creating object instances except for: 1) Dynamically creating PowerObject object, GraphicObject object, WindowObject object, DragObject object, DrawObject object, Function_object object and SystemFunctions object. Example: UserObject luo_1 luo_1 = create using "PowerObject" 2) Dynamically creating Transaction object. Example: lds_main = Create using "Transaction" 3) Dynamically creating object instances for nested objects. Example: w_main cb_1 lcb lcb = Create using w_main cb_ 1 |
DESTROY DBTrans Supported:
Note: As one of the best development practices, it is strongly recommended that you use DESTROY statement. |
Four formats of Do...Loop: Do...Until
DO UNTIL a > 15 a = (a + 1) * b LOOP
Integer a = 1, b = 1 DO WHILE a <= 15 a = (a + 1) * b LOOP
Integer a = 1, b = 1 DO a = (a + 1) * b LOOP UNTIL a > 15
Integer a = 1, b = 1 DO a = (a + 1) * b LOOP WHILE a <= 15
Nesting of Do...Loop statement. Example: Int li_array[100,50,200] FOR i = 1 to 100 FOR j = 1 to 50 FOR k = 1 to 200 ll_array[i,j,k]= i + j + k NEXT NEXT NEXT Nesting of Do...Loop statement and For...Next statement. Example: FOR ll_i = 5 to 25 DO UNTIL ll_j > 15 ll_j ++ LOOP ll_j = 1 NEXT |
DO WHILE a < 10 a ++ IF a > 3 THEN EXIT b += a LOOP |
Integer a=1 Integer start, end, increment For n=start TO end STEP increment a*=n Next 1) End the FOR loop with the keywords END FOR instead of NEXT. Example: FOR ll_i = 5 to 25 ll_j = ll_j+10 END FOR 2) Using a positive or negative variable for the step increment. Example: FOR N = 5 TO 25 STEP 5 A = A+10 NEXT 3) Nesting of the For...Next statements or For ... Next statement with Do ... Loop statement. Example:
Int li_array[100,50,200] FOR i = 1 to 100 FOR j = 1 to 50 FOR k = 1 to 200 ll_array[i,j,k]= i + j + k NEXT NEXT NEXT
IF sle_password.Text <> CorrectPassword THEN HALT CLOSE
IF num >= 1 THEN result = 1 ELSE result = 0 IF num >= 1 THEN result = 1 ELSEIF num <= -1 THEN result = -1 ELSE result = 0 END IF |
The following statements are unsupported: