Table 218. Events
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
ButtonClicked |
Supported |
ButtonClicking |
Supported |
Clicked |
Supported |
Collapsed |
Supported |
Collapsing |
Supported |
Constructor |
Supported |
DBError |
The sqlsyntax and buffer arguments do not work in the DBError event. The GetSQLPreview function will be ignored if used in the DBError event. |
Supported |
Destructor |
Supported |
DoubleClicked |
Supported |
DragDrop |
Supported |
DragEnter |
Supported |
DragLeave |
Supported |
DragWithin |
Supported |
EditChanged |
Unsupported |
Error |
Supported |
Expanded |
Supported |
Expanding |
Supported |
GetFocus |
Unsupported |
Help |
Supported |
ItemChanged |
Supported |
ItemError |
Supported |
ItemFocusChanged |
Supported |
LoseFocus |
Unsupported |
Other |
Unsupported |
PrintEnd |
Supported |
PrintPage |
Unsupported |
PrintStart |
Supported |
RButtonDown |
For more about RButtonDown, see Common Features. |
Supported |
Resize |
Supported |
RetrieveEnd |
Unsupported |
RetrieveRow |
Supported |
RetrieveStart |
Supported |
RowFocusChanged |
Supported |
RowFocusChanging |
Unsupported |
ScrollHorizontal |
Unsupported |
ScrollVertical |
Supported |
SQLPreview |
Supported |
WSError |
Table 219. Functions
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
AcceptText |
Unsupported |
CanUndo |
Supported |
CategoryCount |
Supported |
CategoryName |
Supported |
ClassName |
Supported |
Clear |
Supported |
ClearValues |
Unsupported |
Clipboard |
Supported |
Collapse |
Supported |
CollapseAll |
Supported |
CollapseAllChildren |
Supported |
Copy |
Supported |
CopyRTF |
Supported |
Create |
Unsupported |
CrosstabDialog |
Supported |
Cut |
Supported |
DataCount |
Unsupported |
DBCancel |
Unsupported |
DBErrorCode |
Unsupported |
DBErrorMessage |
Supported |
DeletedCount |
Supported |
DeleteRow |
Supported |
Describe |
If there is no value for a property in the propertylist argument, Describe returns a question mark (?) in PowerBuilder, but returns the default value (for example, Arrow!) of the property on mobile. |
Supported |
Drag |
For more about Drag, see Common Features. |
Supported |
Expand |
Supported |
ExpandAll |
Supported |
ExpandAllChildren |
Supported |
ExpandLevel |
Unsupported |
ExportJson |
Unsupported |
ExportRowAsJson |
Supported |
Filter |
Supported |
FilteredCount |
Supported |
Find |
Supported |
FindCategory |
Supported |
FindGroupChange |
Supported |
FindNext |
Supported |
FindSeries |
Unsupported |
GenerateHTMLForm |
Unsupported |
GenerateResultSet |
Supported |
GetBandAtPointer |
Supported |
GetBorderStyle |
Supported |
GetChanges |
Supported |
GetChild |
Supported |
GetClickedColumn |
Supported |
GetClickedRow |
In a mobile application, if the user clicks or double-clicks any area within a DataWindow, the GetClickedRow function returns the same value as in PowerBuilder. If the GetClickedRow is called in some control or window for a DataWindow, the return value is different on mobile than in PowerBuilder. For example, if the dw_1.GetClickedRow() function is called in the Clicked event of a CommandButton, it returns -1 in PowerBuilder and 0 on mobile. |
Supported |
GetColumn |
Supported |
GetColumnName |
Unsupported |
GetContextService |
Supported |
GetData |
Supported |
GetDataPieExplode |
Supported |
GetDataStyle |
Supported |
GetDataValue |
Supported |
GetFormat |
Supported |
GetFullState |
Supported |
GetItemDate |
Supported |
GetItemDateTime |
Supported |
GetItemDecimal |
Supported |
GetItemFormattedString |
Supported |
GetItemNumber |
Supported |
GetItemStatus |
Supported |
GetItemString |
Supported |
GetItemTime |
Supported |
GetItemUnformattedString |
Unsupported |
GetMessageText |
Supported |
GetNextModified |
Supported |
GetObjectAtPointer |
Supported |
GetParent |
Supported |
GetRow |
Supported |
GetRowFromRowId |
Supported |
GetSelectedRow |
Supported |
GetSeriesStyle |
Supported |
GetSQLPreview |
Supported |
GetSQLSelect |
If the syntax in DataWindow is PBSELECT statement, when calling the GetSQLSelect function, it will still return the PBSELECT statement but not the SQL SELECT statement, which is different from that in PowerBuilder. |
Unsupported |
GetStateStatus |
Supported |
GetText |
Unsupported |
GetTrans |
Unsupported |
GetUpdateStatus |
Supported |
GetValidate |
Supported |
GetValue |
The column argument only works when the edit style of the column is CheckBox, DropDownListBox, Edit, or RadioButton. |
Supported |
GroupCalc |
Supported |
Hide |
Unsupported |
ImportClipboard |
Supported |
ImportFile |
ImportFile & ImportString
Unsupported |
ImportJson |
Unsupported |
ImportJsonByKey |
Unsupported |
ImportRowFromJson |
Supported |
ImportString |
Please see the notes for ImportFile. |
Supported |
InsertDocument |
Supported |
InsertRow |
Supported |
IsExpanded |
Supported |
IsSelected |
Supported |
LineCount |
Supported |
ModifiedCount |
Supported |
Modify |
If the Modify function is used to modify the WHERE clause of the DataWindow object's SQL SELECT statement, please make sure that the new SQL SELECT statement is correct in syntax. Otherwise, syntax errors can occur on the mobile because PowerBuilder does not validate the statement whereas JavaScript does. When executing Modify function to change the on the mobile application, properties must be separated with spaces when they are concatenated into one value. For example, Unsupported code: dw_1.Modify = "emp_id.BackGround.Color=" + String(RGB(192,192,192)) + "emp_id.Protect=1" Supported code: dw_1.Modify = "emp_id.BackGround.Color=" + String(RGB(192,192,192)) + " emp_id.Protect=1" For more, refer to Dynamic DataWindow. |
Supported |
ObjectAtPointer |
Unsupported |
OLEActivate |
Supported |
Paste |
Supported |
PasteRTF |
Supported |
PointerX |
Supported |
PointerY |
Unsupported |
Position |
Supported |
PostEvent |
Supported |
Mobile platform difference: Supported in iOS, but unsupported in Android. |
Unsupported |
PrintCancel |
Unsupported |
ReselectRow |
Supported |
Reset |
The unsupported syntax: Reset (dwcontrol). The supported syntax: dwcontrol.Reset. |
Supported |
ResetDataColors |
Unsupported |
ResetInk |
Unsupported |
ResetTransObject |
Supported |
ResetUpdate |
Supported |
Resize |
Supported |
Retrieve |
Because PowerServer cannot check whether the retrieve result set matches the DataWindow definition syntax, the DBError event will not be triggered. |
Supported |
RowCount |
Supported |
RowsCopy |
Supported |
RowsDiscard |
For Composite, Group and Label DataWindows, if the current row is the start row, calling RowDiscard will not trigger RowFocusChanged on mobile. This is different from that in PowerBuilder. |
Supported |
RowsMove |
Events cannot be triggered while the application moves data within the primary buffer of one DataWindow. |
Supported |
SaveAs |
Unsupported |
SaveAsAscii |
When executing the SaveAsAscii function in PowerBuilder, invisible controls which lay in rows will not be saved as empty rows or " " (quotation marks). However, these invisible controls will be ignored on mobile. |
Unsupported |
SaveAsFormattedText |
Unsupported |
SaveInk |
Unsupported |
SaveInkPic |
Unsupported |
SaveNativePDFToBlob |
Unsupported |
Scroll |
Supported |
ScrollNextPage |
Supported |
ScrollNextRow |
Supported |
ScrollPriorPage |
Supported |
ScrollPriorRow |
Supported |
ScrollToRow |
Supported |
SelectedLength |
Supported |
SelectedStart |
Supported |
SelectedText |
Supported |
SelectTextAll |
Supported |
SelectTextLine |
Supported |
SelectTextWord |
Supported |
SeriesCount |
Supported |
SeriesName |
Unsupported |
SetActionCode |
Supported |
SetBorderStyle |
Supported |
SetChanges |
Supported |
SetColumn |
Supported |
SetDataPieExplode |
Supported |
SetDataStyle |
Supported |
SetDetailHeight |
Setting detail.height.autosize to true after specifying the height by this function, executing Describe returns the auto sized height on mobile. But in PowerBuilder it returns the height specified by this function. |
Supported |
SetFilter |
Supported |
SetFocus |
Supported |
SetFormat |
Supported |
SetFullState |
Unsupported |
SetHTMLAction |
Supported |
SetItem |
Supported |
SetItemStatus |
Supported |
SetPosition |
The supported syntax: dwcontrol.SetPosition(position {, precedingobject}) The position can be ToTop!, ToBottom!, but cannot be Behind! The unsupported syntax dwcontrol.SetPosition(objectname, band, bringtofront) |
Supported |
SetRedraw |
See Common Features. |
Supported |
SetRow |
Supported |
SetRowFocusIndicator |
Supported |
SetSeriesStyle |
Supported |
SetSort |
Supported |
SetSQLPreview |
Supported |
SetSQLSelect |
If a DataWindow uses a stored procedure as its data source, the SetSQLSelect function cannot be executed for the DataWindow. |
Supported |
SetTabOrder |
Supported |
SetText |
Unsupported |
SetTrans |
Supported |
SetTransObject |
Supported |
SetValidate |
Supported |
SetValue |
The SetValue column argument only works if the edit style of the column is DropdownListBox. |
Supported |
SetWSObject |
The SetWSObject function is used to set the authentication info for accessing Web service. |
Supported |
ShareData |
ShareData and ShareDataOff
Supported |
ShareDataOff |
Please see the notes for ShareData. |
Supported |
Show |
Supported |
ShowHeadFoot |
Supported |
Sort |
Supported |
TextLine |
Supported |
TriggerEvent |
The following TriggerEvent syntax is unsupported: object1.TriggerEvent (object2, event). |
Supported |
TypeOf |
Supported |
Undo |
Supported |
Update |
Table 220. Properties
Property added by PowerServer
Keyboardtype - Sets the type of the keyboard that displays when the DataWindow column gets focus: 0 - alphabetical keyboard, 1 - numerical keyboard, 2 - URL keyboard. 2 is unsupported on Android devices, thus 0 will be used instead.
You can manipulate this property though dot notation, Describe, or Modify , for example, dw_1.modify("#1.keyboardtype='2'").
Support Level |
Feature Name |
Description |
Supported |
Border |
Supported |
BorderStyle |
BorderStyle is partially supported. For more, see Common Features. |
Supported |
BringToTop |
Unsupported |
ClassDefinition |
Supported |
ControlMenu |
Supported |
DataObject |
Unsupported |
DragAuto |
Unsupported |
DragIcon |
Supported |
Enabled |
Supported |
Height |
Supported |
HScrollBar |
VScrollBar and HScrollBar will be displayed as the mobile-style scrollbar, rather than the Windows-style scrollbar. |
Unsupported |
HSplitScroll |
Unsupported |
Icon |
Supported |
LiveScroll |
Supported |
MaxBox |
Supported |
MinBox |
Supported |
Object |
Supported |
Resizable |
The Resizable property cannot be dynamically changed. After setting this property to True, setting Border properties will not be effective. |
Supported |
RightToLeft |
Unsupported |
TabOrder |
See Common Features. |
Supported |
Tag |
Unsupported |
Title |
Unsupported |
TitleBar |
Supported |
Visible |
Supported |
VScrollBar |
VScrollBar and HScrollBar will be displayed as the mobile-style scrollbar, rather than the Windows-style scrollbar. |
Supported |
Width |
Supported |
X |
Supported |
Y |