Using PowerBuilder and Appeon to develop powerful Web applications has the following advantages:
Appeon PowerServer achieves unparalleled reductions in project cycle time and costs by eliminating the traditional Web application design, coding, and testing effort associated with rewriting applications for the Web. When your objective is to build a new application, Appeon provides the most productive development approach for building enterprise-class applications that adhere to the most stringent Web standards.
Appeon Web applications precisely replicate the desktop application user interface with HTML running in standard Windows Web browsers. Appeon graphical capabilities make the end user far more productive than any possible rewrite and eliminates all user-retraining time and costs.
Appeon PowerServer greatly reduces business risks associated with building new software applications, because the time-tested PowerBuilder program code and DataWindows run at the core of the Web application.
Appeon PowerServer:
Relies solely on PowerBuilder skills and IDE to develop and maintain the application.
Reuses the existing application source code and database, preserves investments in designing, building and testing the application UI, application business logic, data-access logic, and the database.
Operates upon a single set of native PowerBuilder source code for deployment to both desktop and Web environments.