Configuring ODBC data source

An ODBC data source stores the parameters used to connect to the indicated data provider through the Open Database Connectivity interface. By setting up the ODBC data source that identifies the SAP SQL Anywhere database file for the Appeon tutorial PowerBuilder application, the tutorial application is able to establish a connection with the SAP SQL Anywhere database through a reference to the ODBC data source name.

To set up the ODBC data source for the tutorial application:

Step 1: Select Tools > Database Profile from the PowerBuilder menu bar, and the Database Profiles dialog box displays.

Step 2: Choose ODB ODBC > Utilities, and then double click ODBC Administrator.

Figure 12. Database Profiles

Database Profiles

Step 3: Select the System DSN tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box and click Add.

Step 4: Select the SQL Anywhere 16 driver to connect to the appeonsample.db database file. Select SQLAnywhere 16 and click Finish in the Create New Data Source dialog box.

Step 5: The ODBC Configuration for SQL Anywhere dialog box is displayed. Type the necessary settings into the different tabs as specified in the following table, and leave other fields at their default settings.

Table 15. Data source settings

In this tab...

In this field...

You should...


Data source name

Type appeontutor


User ID

Type dba (case sensitive)


Type sql (case sensitive)

Action Select Start and connect to a database on this computer

Database file

Click Browse to select the AppeonSample.db file. For example, C:\Users\Public\Documents\Appeon\Toolkit 2017 R3\appeondemo\Database\AppeonSample.db.

Database name

Type appeontutor

Server name

Type appeontutor

Step 6: Go back to the ODBC tab and click Test Connection. Ensure the connection test is successful before continuing.

Step 7: Click OK to close the ODBC Configuration for SQL Anywhere dialog box.

The appeontutor is added as a system data source under the System DSN tab.

Figure 13. ODBC Data Source Administrator

ODBC Data Source Administrator

Step 8: Click OK to close the dialog box and click Close to exit the Database Profiles dialog box.