Preparing for the tutorial

The following preparations are required before starting this tutorial:

  • Set up one Workstation.

    This tutorial assumes the most simplified network environment. Only one physical machine is used for all the different roles in the n-Tier Web architecture: client PC, Web Server, application server, database server, and developer PC.

    Refer to Installation Guide for Appeon PowerServer for specific system requirements.

  • Install other required softwares:

    Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2, or 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

    PowerBuilder 2017 R3

    Internet Explorer 8.0 or later, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, or Opera.

    Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x & IIS 7.5, 8.0, or 10


    1. IIS is included with Windows, but not installed by default, you will need to install IIS first.

    2. IIS will be used as both the application server and the Web server in this tutorial.

    3. If PowerServer is installed to the other application servers (such as WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, or JEUS), you can still follow the steps in this tutorial for configuring and deploying the Appeon tutorial application while paying close attention to the parts specified as working differently for different application servers.

  • Install Appeon PowerServer (on .NET) edition

    Install PowerServer and PowerServer Toolkit components. The demo application that the tutorial uses will be automatically installed during the PowerServer Toolkit installation.

If you intend to install PowerServer and PowerServer Toolkit on different machines, most of the instructions in this tutorial, with the exception of some settings associated with PowerServer, such as PowerServer profile and data sources, will still be relevant. For instructions, refer to the PowerServer Toolkit User Guide.