Your users need access to the DBMS and to the database your application uses.
You need to:
If necessary, install the DBMS runtime files in the application directory or in a directory on the system path.
Follow the instructions and licensing rules specified by the vendor.
Make sure each user has access to the database the application uses.
If your application uses a local database, install the database and any associated files, such as a log file, on the user's computer.
If your application uses a server database, make sure the user's computer is set up to access the database. This may be the task of a database administrator.
Install any native database interfaces your application uses on the user's computer.
If your application uses the ODBC interface, configure the ODBC database drivers and data sources, as described in Configuring an ODBC driver.
You need to install the database interface drivers your application requires, such as the ODBC interface and other native database interfaces.
The files for the native database interfaces your application uses belong in the same directory as the application or in a directory on the system path. When you install InfoMaker, these files are installed in the %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\ directory. The first two characters of the file name are PB, the next three characters identify the database, and the last two identify the version of InfoMaker. For example, PBO90.dll is the Oracle9i database interface and PBSYC.dll is the SAP Sybase CT-LIB database interface.
If your application uses ODBC drivers, each user's machine needs three types of files:
PowerBuilder ODBC interface and driver syntax files
Install PBODB.dll and PBODB.INI in the application directory or a directory on the system path. The INI and DLL files must be in the same directory. If you have modified the PBODB initialization file, make sure you deploy the modified version.
For information about adding sections or functions to the PBODB initialization file, see Connecting to Your Database.
Microsoft ODBC driver and DLLs
The Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager (ODBC32.DLL) and supporting files are usually already installed in the user's Windows system directory. You can use the redistributable MDAC_TYP.EXE setup file in the Support directory on the installation package to update users' systems if necessary.
ODBC database drivers and supporting files
SAP provides ODBC database drivers for SQL Anywhere as well as PB DataDirect drivers for several databases.
The PB DataDirect ODBC files in the following table are required if you use the database interface specified. For each database interface, the table shows required registry entries. In the string values, replace %SHARED% with the path to the directory where the drivers are installed.
Help files need only be deployed if you expect users to perform database administration tasks. The help files are in HTML format and are installed in the Help subdirectory of the DataDirect directory. The names of the Help files for each driver begin with the letter R and include the name of the database interface. For example, the files for Adaptive Server are named Rase.html, Rase2.html, and so forth.
Name |
Driver and registry entry: |
All PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 drivers. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Translators] "OEM to ANSI"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\OEM to ANSI] "Translator"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBtrn19.dll" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBtrn19.dll" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Wire Protocol. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Sybase ASE Wire Protocol" = "Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Sybase ASE Wire Protocol] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBASE19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBASE19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="0" "UsageCount"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Btrieve. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Btrieve (*.dta)"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Btrieve (*.dta)] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBBTR19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBBTR19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="1" "FileExtns"="*.dta" "SQLLevel"="0" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 DB2 Wire Protocol. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 DB2 Wire Protocol"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 DB2 Wire Protocol] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBDB219.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBDB219S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="03.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 dBASE. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 dBASEFile (*.dbf)"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 dBASEFile (*.dbf)] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBDBF19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBDBF19.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="1" "FileExtns"="*.dbf" "SQLLevel"="0" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQLBase. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQLBase"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQLBase] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBGUP19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBGUP19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Paradox. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 ParadoxFile (*.db)"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 ParadoxFile (*.db)] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBIDP19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBIDP19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="1" "FileExtns"="*.db" "SQLLevel"="0" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Informix Wire Protocol. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 INFORMIX Wire Protocol"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 INFORMIX Wire Protocol] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBIFCL19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBIFCL19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Informix. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 INFORMIX"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 INFORMIX] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBINF19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBINF19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQL Server Wire Protocol. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQL Server Wire Protocol"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQL Server Wire Protocol] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBMSSS19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBMSSS19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Oracle. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Oracle"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Oracle] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBOR819.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBOR819S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Oracle Wire Protocol. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Oracle Wire Protocol"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Oracle Wire Protocol] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBORA19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBORA19S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Progress 9. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 PROGRESS 9"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 PROGRESS 9] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBPRO919.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBPRO919S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYN" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="0" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQL Server 6.5. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQL Server 6.5"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 SQL Server 6.5] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBSS619.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBSS619S.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="0" "SQLLevel"="1" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Text File. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 TextFile (*.*)"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 TextFile (*.*)] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBTXT19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBTXT19.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="1" "FileExtns"="*.*" "SQLLevel"="0" "CPTimeout"="60" |
PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 Excel Workbook. Registry entry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 ExcelWorkbook (*.xls)"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\PB DataDirect OEM 4.2 ExcelWorkbook (*.xls)] "UsageCount"="1" "Driver"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBXLWB19.DLL" "Setup"="%SHARED%\\DataDirectODBC\\PBXLWB19.DLL" "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYY" "DriverODBCVer"="3.51" "FileUsage"="2" "FileExtns"="*.xls" "SQLLevel"="0" "CPTimeout"="60" |
To use an ODBC data source in your application, the ODBC configuration must include:
An entry for the data source in ODBC.INI with instructions on how to start the database
An entry for the DBMS driver in ODBCINST.INI
To allow the user to connect to a particular data source, your installation program must provide a definition for that data source in the ODBC.INI key in the registry on the computer that accesses the data source, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER for a user DSN or in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for a system DSN. The data source definition specifies the name and location of the database driver as well as the command required to start the database engine. The data source in the ODBC Data Sources key must also be listed in ODBC.INI.
The following shows typical registry entries for a data source called MyApp DB that uses SQL Anywhere. Registry keys are enclosed in square brackets and are followed by string values for that key in the format "Name"="Value":
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\MyApp DB] "Driver"="C:\Program Files\SAP\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbodbc9.dll" "Start"="c:\program files\SAP\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\rteng9.exe -c8m" "UID"="dba" "PWD"="sql" "Description"="Database for my application" "DatabaseFile"="C:\Program Files\myapps\myapp.db" "AutoStop"="Yes" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources] "MyApp DB"="SQL Anywhere 9.0"
You might use one of the following ways to make the modifications to ODBC.INI:
Use Microsoft's ODBC Administrator control panel, if the control panel is available on the user's system.
Use a software distribution application that includes ODBC configuration instructions to do your installation.
For more information about the contents of the registry entries for ODBC drivers and data sources, see Connecting to Your Database.
Your installation program needs to make two types of entry in the ODBCINST.INI key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC for each driver that your deployed application uses:
Add a string value with the name of the driver and the data value "Installed" to the ODBC DRIVERS key in ODBCINST.INI
Add a new key for each driver to the ODBCINST.INI key with string values for Driver and Setup
Some drivers require additional string values in ODBCINST.INI.
If the ODBC database driver files are not located in a directory on the system path, you also need to add their location to the App Paths key for the executable file in the registry.
If you are using ODBC drivers obtained from a vendor, you can use the driver's setup program to install the driver and create registry entries.
The following shows typical registry entries for SQL Anywhere. Registry keys are enclosed in square brackets and are followed by string values for that key in the format "Name"="Value":
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\App Paths\myapp.exe] "Default"="C:\Program Files\myapps\MYAPP.EXE" "Path"="C:\Program Files\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime 2388\;c:\program files\SAP\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\; c:\program files\SAP\shared\DataDirectODBC;" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "SQL Anywhere 9.0"="Installed" "PB DataDirect OEM 3.60 32-BIT Sybase"="Installed" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\SQL Anywhere 9.0] "Driver"="c:\program files\SAP\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbodbc9.dll" "Setup"="c:\program files\SAP\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbodbc9.dll"
For more information about the contents of the registry entries for ODBC drivers and data sources, see Connecting to Your Database.
Database profiles
Connecting to Your Database includes information about database profiles. Profiles, which are defined in the Windows registry, provide the information necessary to connect to data sources from the development environment. Your users do not need database profiles.
If your InfoMaker application has reports and forms that access an SQL Anywhere database, you need to deploy the SQL Anywhere DBMS as well as SQL Anywhere's ODBC database drivers. You can deploy the SQL Anywhere Desktop Runtime System without incurring additional license fees. The runtime system allows the user to retrieve and modify data in the database, but does not allow modifications to the database schema. It does not support transaction logs, stored procedures, or triggers. The runtime system is installed on your computer when you install the PB Demo DB or the tutorial.
InfoMaker includes SQL Anywhere for use during the development process. However, this product cannot be deployed royalty-free to your users.
If your application requires the data definition language (DDL), a transaction log, stored procedures, or triggers, see your Appeon sales representative.
In addition to deploying the runtime system, you need to do the following for your users:
Make your application's data source available
Configure ODBC to access the data source
For more information about deploying SQL Anywhere databases and applications, see the SQL Anywhere User's Guide.
A full installation for the SQL Anywhere driver, runtime engine, and supporting files is available in the Support directory on the installation package. The following table lists some of the files that are installed when you select Runtime Server in the install program. You can also choose to install Help files, SQL Anywhere 5.0/6.0 compatibility DLLs, and InstallShield templates.
Name |
Description |
SQL Anywhere ODBC driver |
SQL Anywhere backup utility |
Connection dialog box, required if you do not provide your own dialog box and your end users are to create their own data sources, if they need to enter user IDs and passwords when connecting to the database, or if they need to display the Connection dialog box for any other purpose |
Interactive SQL utility |
Language-specific string library (EN indicates the English version) |
Interface library |
ODBC translator, required if your application relies on OEM to ANSI character set conversion |
SQL Anywhere database tools |
SQL Anywhere unload utility |
SQL Anywhere validation utility |
Restricted runtime engine |
Performance utility |
Server utility |
Tools support |
If your application uses OLE DB or ADO.NET to access data, you must install Microsoft's Data Access Components software on each user's computer if it is not installed already.
You can use the MDAC_TYP.EXE setup file in the Support directory on the installation package to update users' computers. The Microsoft OLE DB providers, SQLOLEDB and MSDASQL, are installed when you run MDAC_TYP.EXE.
You must distribute PBOLE.dll with an application that uses OLE DB, and PBADO.dll and PBDATA.dll with an application that uses ADO.NET.
The following files are required if you use the PB DataDirect OLE DB data provider specified. When you install InfoMaker, they are installed in the Appeon\Shared\PowerBuilder\DataDirect folder. If your application uses an OLE DB data provider from another vendor, you must still deploy PBOLE.dll as well as the files specified by the vendor. You need to register PBADMINR.DLL, PBINF90R.DLL, PBOR709R.DLL, PBOR890R.DLL, PBSYB09R.DLL, and PBXML09R.DLL as shared DLLs.
Optional Help files
Help (.HLP and .CNT) files need only be deployed if you expect users to perform database administration tasks.
Name |
Required for |
PBOLE.dll |
PowerBuilder OLE DB interface required for all OLE DB connections |
License and help files and administration utilities required for all PB DataDirect OEM 2.70 OLE DB data providers |
PB DataDirect OEM 2.70 9.x |
PB DataDirect OEM 2.70 Oracle 7 |
PB DataDirect OEM 2.70 Oracle 8 |
PB DataDirect OEM 2.70 SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise |
PB DataDirect OEM 2.70 XML |
The PowerBuilder JDB interface supports the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) versions 1.2 and later.
If your application or component uses JDBC connections, you must deploy the JDB driver as well as the appropriate Java package for the Java VM you are using. The Java virtual machine and a vendor-supplied JDBC-compliant driver, such as SAP jConnect for JDBC, must also be installed and configured on the computer that accesses the data source.
To specify which Java VM the driver should load, use the JavaVM DBParm. You should use the same setting for this DBParm in the development and deployment environments. See Connecting to Your Database for more information.
For more information about the Java VM, see Java support.
Name |
Description |
PBJDB.dll |
PowerBuilder JDBC Driver (JDB) for JRE 1.2 or later |
pbjdbc12.jar |
Java package for PowerBuilder JDB driver and JRE 1.2 or later |
You must deploy the pbjvm.dll file with any applications or components that use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and there must be a JRE installed on the target computer. The JRE is required for JDBC connections. You can copy the JRE installed with InfoMaker to the same directory as the PowerBuilder runtime files on the target computer, or use an existing JRE whose location is defined in the user's system PATH environment variable.
Locating the Java VM
When an InfoMaker application requires a Java VM, InfoMaker searches for the jvm.dll file in a subdirectory of the directory where pbjvm.dll is installed on the user's computer. The jvm.dll file is installed in the JRE\bin\client directory of JDK 1.4 installations, and in the JRE\bin\classic directory in JDK 1.2 and 1.3 installations.
InfoMaker adds the location of jvm.dll to the beginning of the path currently being used by the InfoMaker application. This path is a copy of the path defined in the user's PATH system environment variable. InfoMaker does not modify the environment variable maintained in the Windows registry.
To locate the jvm.dll, InfoMaker first determines where pbjvm.dll is installed. Suppose pbjvm.dll is installed in %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\. Then InfoMaker uses this search procedure to add the location of the jvm.dll to the path currently in use:
Search for the directory structure JRE\bin\client (for JDK 1.4) in %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\ and, if found, add it to the beginning of the path.
If not found, search for the directory structure JDK1.4\JRE\bin\client in %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\ and, if found, add it to the beginning of the path.
If not found, search for the directory structure JRE\bin\classic (for JDK 1.2 or 1.3) in %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\ and, if found, add it to the beginning of the path.
If not found, search for the directory structure JDK1.3\JRE\bin\classic in %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\ and, if found, add it to the beginning of the path.
If none of these directory structures is found, InfoMaker uses the first jvm.dll whose location is defined in the user's PATH environment variable. If no jvm.dll is found, the Java VM does not start.
The runtime Java VM classpath
When an InfoMaker application starts a Java VM, the Java VM uses internal path and classpath information to ensure that required Java classes are always available. At runtime, the Java VM uses a classpath constructed by concatenating these paths:
The InfoMaker runtime static registry classpath. This is a path built into the pbjvm.dll file that corresponds to the path in the Windows Registry that is used when you are developing an application in InfoMaker. It contains classes required at runtime for features that use a Java VM.
The system CLASSPATH environment variable.
The current directory.
Overriding the runtime static registry classpath
If necessary, you can override the JVM settings and properties defined for runtime use in the static registry. InfoMaker uses the following algorithm to locate configuration information:
When the first request is made for a JVM, InfoMaker looks for registry entries for the configuration information and properties to be passed to the function that creates the JVM.
If InfoMaker finds a registry entry for the configuration information, it uses it instead of the static registry. If it does not find a registry entry, it uses the static registry.
If InfoMaker finds a registry entry for custom properties to be passed to the JVM, it uses those instead of the static registry. If it does not find a registry entry, it uses the static registry entries
To override the default settings, create a new key named PBRTConfig in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sybase\InfoMaker\18.0\Java key, then add either or both of the following subkeys: PBJVMconfig and PBJVMprops.
To duplicate the static registry entries, add the same string values to these subkeys that you see in the PBIDEConfig key, that is:
Subkey |
String value name |
String value data |
PBJVMconfig |
Count |
1 |
0 |
-verbose:jni,class |
PBJVMprops |
java.compiler |
You can override either the configuration or properties entries or both. If you make incorrect entries, InfoMaker attempts to recover by defaulting to the static registry. However, you should be cautious about making any changes since you can cause incorrect behavior in the JVM if you do not configure it correctly.
If your application includes a report that has a button that displays the Save As dialog box, you need to deploy some files that enable users to save as PDF or XSL-FO. To save as PDF using the distill method, users also need to download and install GNU Ghostscript. Distribution of Ghostscript files is restricted by GNU licensing.
For more information about saving as PDF and XSL-FO, see Saving the data as PDF and Saving as XSL-FO. For more information about assigning button actions, see Actions assignable to buttons in reports.
In order for users to use the Save As dialog box to save data as PDF with the distiller, they must first download and install GNU Ghostscript on their computers as described in the procedure that follows.
The use of GNU Ghostscript is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Users should be asked to read the GPL before installing GNU Ghostscript on their computers. A copy of the GPL is available on the GNU Project Web server.
To install GNU Ghostscript:
Into a temporary directory on your computer, download gs705w32.exe from the gs705 directory, or gs706w32.exe from the gs706 directory, at
You can find a list of alternative mirror sites on the Ghostscript Web site at
Run the executable file to install Ghostscript on your system.
The default installation directory is C:\gs. You can select a different directory and/or choose to install shortcuts to the Ghostscript console and readme file.
Location of files
When you save a report as PDF using the distill method, InfoMaker searches in the following locations for an installation of GNU Ghostscript:
The Windows registry
The relative path of the pbdwe.dll file (typically %systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Common\PowerBuilder\Runtime [version]\)
The system PATH environment variable
If GNU Ghostscript is installed using either gs705w32.exe (for Ghostscript 7.05) or gs706w32.exe (for Ghostscript 7.06), the path is added to the Windows registry.
If the Ghostscript files are in the relative path of the pbdwe.dll file, they must be installed in this directory structure:
dirname\pbdwe.dll dirname\gs\gs7.0N dirname\gs\fonts
where dirname is the directory that contains the runtime DLLs and N is the minor release version number for Ghostscript.
You might not need to distribute all the fonts provided in the distribution. For information about fonts, see Fonts and font facilities supplied with Ghostscript at the Ghostscript web site.
You must also deploy the default PostScript printer driver and related files that are installed in %AppeonInstallPath%\InfoMaker [version]\IDE\drivers. These files can be copied to or installed on users' computers. They must be located in this directory structure:
dirname\pbdwe.dll dirname\drivers
If your application uses the Apache processor to save as PDF or XSL-FO, you must deploy the fop-0.20.5 directory and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) with your application.
They must be deployed in the same directory as the PowerBuilder runtime files. For example, if you deploy your application and pbvm.dll and the other PowerBuilder runtime files in a directory called MyApplication, the Apache processor and the JRE must be deployed in MyApplication/fop-0.20.5 and MyApplication/jre. However, you do not need to place a copy of the JRE in this location if the full JDK is installed on the target computer and is in the classpath.
The following JAR files must be in the user's classpath:
For more information about the JRE, see Java support.
On Windows DBCS platforms, you also need to deploy a file that supports DBCS characters to the Windows font directory on the target computer, for example, C:\WINNT\fonts. For more information about configuring fonts, see the Apache web site.