The objects shown in the following table are unsupported, but can be supported if they are packaged into n-Tier NVOs.
ADOResultSet |
ArrayBounds |
ClassDefinition |
ClassDefinitionObject |
ConnectionInfo |
ConnectObject |
CORBABadTypeContext |
CORBABadInvorder |
CORBABadOperation |
CORBABadParam |
CORBABadTypeCode |
CORBACommFailure |
CORBACurrent |
CORBADataConversion |
CORBAFreeMem |
CORBAImpLimit |
CORBAInitialize |
CORBAInternal |
CORBAIntFrePos |
CORBAInvalidTransaction |
CORBAInvFlag |
CORBAInvIdentInvOBJRef |
CORBAMarshal |
CORBANoImplement |
CORBANoMemory |
CORBANoPermission |
CORBANoResources |
CORBANoResponse |
CORBAObjectNoTexist |
CORBAPersistStore |
CORBASystemException |
CORBATransactionRequired |
CORBATransactionRolledback |
CORBATranslent |
CORBAUnion |
CORBAUnknown |
CORBAUserException |
CPlusPlus |
DivideByZeroError |
ErrorLogging |
Exception |
JaguarORB |
mailFileDescription |
mailMessage |
mailRecipient |
mailSession |
OLECustomControl |
OLERuntimeError |
OLEStorage |
OLEStream |
OLETxnObject |
OMObject |
OMStorage |
OMStream |
PBTocppObject |
Pipeline |
ProfileCall |
ProfileClass |
ProfileLine |
ProfileRoutine |
Profiling |
RemoteObject |
ResultSet |
ResultSets |
RuntimeError |
ScriptDefinition |
Service |
SimpleTypeDefinition |
SSLCallBack |
SSLServiceProvider |
SystemFunctions |
Throwable |
Timing |
TraceActivityNode |
TraceBeginEnd |
TraceError |
TraceESQL |
TraceFile |
TraceGarbageCollect |
TraceLine |
TraceObject |
TraceRoutine |
TraceTree |
TraceTreeError |
TraceTreeESQL |
TraceTreeGarbageCollect |
TraceTreeLine |
TraceTreeNode |
TraceTreeObject |
TraceTreeRoutine |
TraceTreeUser |
TraceUser |
TransactionServer |
Transport |
TypeDefinition |
VariableCardinalityDefinition |
VariableDefinition |
Encapsulate the relevant script into non-visual objects (NVOs) and deploy the NVOs to EAServer.
You can also add almost any type of business logic into N-Tier NVOs. Many of the other unsupported features that are discussed in this Workarounds Guide can be supported in N-Tier NVOs, such as DataWindow.RetrieveRow function in a DataStore, etc.
The following steps show how to work around the ArrayBounds object.
Step 1: Create NVO n_cst_rs.
Step 2: Declare variable instance in nvo(n_cst_rs).
resultset irs_resultset ADOresultset irs_ADOresultset
Step 3: Define the function Of_SetResultSet(ref oleobject aole).
// create ds_source // generate a result set from an existing DataStore ds_source.GenerateResultSet(irs_resultset) // create a new ADOResultSet object and populate it // from the generated result set lrs_ADOresultset = CREATE ADOResultSet lrs_ADOresultset.SetResultSet(irs_resultset) // pass the data in the ADOResultSet object // to an OLEObject you can use as an ADO Recordset irs_ADOresultset.GetRecordSet(aole)
Step 4: Declare variable instance on the Client side.
OLEObject ioo_ADOrecordset N_Cst_RS IN_Cst_RS
Step 5: Write script in the Client side objects.
ioo_ADOrecordset = CREATE OLEObject IN_Cst_RS = CREATE N_CST_RS IN_Cst_RS. Of_SetResultSet(ioo_ADOrecordset) // call native ADO Recordset methods on the OLEObject ioo_ADOrecordset.MoveFirst()
Step 6: Deploy the NVO to EAServer.
Not all PowerScript functions are supported. For detailed information on all unsupported PowerScript functions, refer to Functions in Supported PB Features for Appeon Mobile (Mobile only) or in Supported PB Features for Appeon Web.
If an unsupported PowerScript function meets the requirements for functions that can be packaged, encapsulate the function into a PowerBuilder non-visual user object (NVO).
Functions can be packaged into NVOs, provided that they do not:
use the PowerScript MessageBox function. (EAServer limitation)
use application global variables. (EAServer limitation)
use visual controls or objects. (EAServer limitation)
use Any or visual control/object data types as parameters for NVO functions and/or events. (EAServer limitation)
GetEnvironment, Randomize, and File functions are examples of functions that can be packaged.
For more information on how to use NVOs, refer to the section called “Moving unsupported features to Appeon Server as n-Tier NVOs” in Migration Guidelines for Appeon Web (Web only), or perform the steps shown in the following example.
The PowerScript GetEnvironment function is used to populate the Environment object that holds information about the computing platform that the PowerBuilder application is running on. The GetEnvironment() and Environment object are unsupported by Appeon. To work around these unsupported features, consider moving them into Appeon Server.
Be aware that the GetEnvironment function, when executed in EAServer, returns the system information of the server machine.
The following code, written in the Clicked event of the cb_1 CommandButton in the PowerBuilder Client, gets the complete PowerBuilder version number.
Environment lenv_obj Integer li_return String ls_pbversion = "" // store PB version number IF GetEnvironment (lenv_obj) = 1 THEN li_return = lenv_obj.PBMajorRevision ls_pbversion = ls_pbversion + String(li_return) li_return = lenv_obj.PBMinorRevision ls_pbversion = ls_pbversion + "." + String(li_return) li_return = lenv_obj.PBFixesRevision ls_pbversion = ls_pbversion + "." + String(li_return) ELSE ls_pbversion = "-1" END IF MessageBox ("PB Version", ls_pbversion)
To enable the previous unsupported code to run in EAServer, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Create a PowerBuilder custom class user object in the PowerBuilder Client. Name the custom class user object nvo_environment.
Step 2: Add the user function of_GetPBVersion to nvo_environment. Set the function return value as a string, and add the following code to the function:
Environment lenv_obj Integer li_return String ls_pbversion = "" // store PB version number IF GetEnvironment (lenv_obj) = 1 THEN li_return = lenv_obj.PBMajorRevision ls_pbversion = ls_pbversion + String(li_return) li_return = lenv_obj.PBMinorRevision ls_pbversion = ls_pbversion + "." + String(li_return) li_return = lenv_obj.PBFixesRevision ls_pbversion = ls_pbversion + "." + String(li_return) ELSE ls_pbversion = "-1" END IF Return ls_pbversion
Step 3: Create an EAServer Component project in the PowerBuilder Client that contains information on deploying nvo_environment to EAServer, then deploy nvo_environment to EAServer within the PowerBuilder IDE.
Step 4: Create an EAServer Proxy project in the PowerBuilder Client that acts as the local representation of the deployed nvo_environment EAServer NVO component.
Step 5: When the PowerBuilder Client application starts, create a Connection object named myconnect, and connect to the EAServer that hosts the nvo_environment NVO component.
Step 6: In the Clicked event of the cb_1 CommandButton in the PowerBuilder Client, comment all the original code that gets the PowerBuilder version and add the following code to the event:
// Define local variables long ll_rc string ls_pbversion nvo_environment lnvo_1 // Instantiate remote component ll_rc = myconnect.CreateInstance(lnvo_1, "nvo_env/nvo_environment") IF ll_rc <> 0 THEN MessageBox("Create instance failed", ll_rc) END IF // Call component method ls_pbversion = lnvo_1.of_GetPBVersion() MessageBox ("PB Version", ls_pbversion)
Step 7: Disconnect from EAServer when the Client application ends.