


Determines whether the font is resized proportionally with the control.


of_fontresize ( boolean ab_resize, integer ai_type )


ab_resize - When true, the font is automatically resized; when false, the font is not resized.

ai_type - 1 - Resizes with the height; 2 - Resizes with the width; 3 - Resizes with the height or width whichever has the smaller change in proportion; 4 - Resizes with the height or width whichever has the bigger change in proportion.

Return value


of_getscale (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Gets the default ratio of each control.


of_getscale ( string as_input, ref string as_flag, ref string as_xscale, ref string as_yscale, ref string as_wscale, ref string as_hscale )

of_getscale ( string as_input, ref string as_flag, ref string as_xscale, ref string as_yscale, ref string as_wscale, ref string as_hscale, ref string as_width, ref string as_height )

of_getscale ( string as_input, ref string as_flag, ref string as_xscale, ref string as_yscale, ref string as_wscale, ref string as_hscale, ref string as_width, ref string as_height, ref string as_fontsize )

Return value




Gets the original tag of a control or object. Original tag includes the information that is not altered by the of_init function.


of_gettag ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value

String. The original tag information of the control or object.



Initializes the user object container or the window that needs to be resized. You can initialize the user object container or the window only; you can also initialize the controls contained in the user object container or the window by setting the ab_recursion parameter to true. Only the initialized user object/window/control can be resized, therefore, this function must be the very first one to be called.

By initializing the user object/window/control, it actually registers the following information to the Tag property of the user object/window/control, separated by "/":

register flag/resize flag/flag/x ratio/y ratio/width ratio/height ratio/width/height/x/y/parentwidth/parentheight/{textsize}/original tag

flag: used by the developer to manually specify the resize behavior of a control or object, such as scaletobottom, fixtoright etc. By default, the value is "1111". It can be set by using the of_setflag function.

textsize: only effective when the control or object has the textsize property.

Syntax 1: Initializes the user object. If ab_recursion is true, all of the controls contained in the user object will be initialized as well.

of_init ( userobject au_uo, boolean ab_recursion )

Syntax 2: Initializes the user object. If ab_recursion is true, all of the controls contained in the user object will be initialized as well.

of_init ( userobject au_uo, integer ai_width, integer ai_height, boolean ab_recursion )

Syntax 3: Initializes the window and the controls in it. If ab_recursion is true, all of the user objects and tab controls contained in the window will be initialized as well.

of_init ( window aw_window, boolean ab_recursion )


au_uo - The name of the user object container to be initialized.

aw_window - The name of the window container to be initialized, and the controls in the window will be automatically initialized as well.

ai_width - The new width of the user object container. The original proportion of each control will be calculated based on it.

ai_height - The new height of the user object container. The original proportion of each control will be calculated based on it.

ab_recursion - When true, the controls contained in the user object container will be initialized as well; or the user objects and tab controls in the window container will be initialized as well; when false, only the user object container or the window (and controls in the window) will be initialized.

Return value




Changes the ratio of a single object or control that has been registered using of_init.


of_init_object ( windowobject awo, decimal ad_xscale, decimal ad_yscale, decimal ad_wscale, decimal ad_hscale )

of_init_object ( windowobject awo, integer ai_parentwidth, integer ai_parentheight, boolean ab_recursion )

Comparatively speaking, the second syntax is easier to use and produce the desired layout; the first syntax would require more testing to determine an accurate x/y ratio.


awo - The name of the object or control to be initialized.

ad_xscale - The new x ratio.

ad_yscale - The new y ratio.

ad_wscale - The new width ratio.

ad_hscale - The new height ratio.

ai_parentwidth - The new width of the parent container.

ai_parentheight - The new height of the parent container.

ab_recursion - When true, the controls contained in the object or the control will be initialized as well; when false, only the object or the control will be initialized.

Return value


of_internal_resize (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Resizes the DragObject by utilizing its flag.


of_internal_resize ( ref dragobject awo, string as_flag, integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight, string as_xbl, string as_ybl, string as_wbl, string as_hbl )


awo - The name of the DragObject.

as_flag - The flag of the DragObject.

ai_newwidth - The new width of the DragObject.

ai_newheight - The new height of the DragObject.

as_xbl - The x ratio of the DragObject.

as_ybl - The y ratio of the DragObject.

as_wbl - The width ratio of the DragObject.

as_hbl - The height ratio of the DragObject.

Return value


of_orginterval_h (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Gets the default height of a control.


of_orginterval_h ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value

Long. The default height of the control.

of_orginterval_w (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Gets the default width of a control.


of_orginterval_w ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value

Long. The default width of the control.

of_orginterval_x (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Gets the default x coordinate of a control.


of_orginterval_x ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value

Long. The default x coordinate of the control.

of_orginterval_y (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Gets the default y coordinate of a control.


of_orginterval_y ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value

Long. The default y coordinate of the control.



Pauses the auto-resizing service for all controls. It is used in pair with of_recover.


of_pause ( )

Return value




Resumes the auto-resizing service for all controls. It is used in pair with of_pause.


of_recover ( )

Return value


of_registered (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Checks whether a control has been registered/initialized.


of_registered ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value


of_resizable (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Checks whether a control is resizable.


of_resizable ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value




Resizes a control according to the registered information.

Syntax 1: Resizes the user object.

of_resize ( userobject au_uo, integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight, boolean ab_recursion )

Syntax 2: Resizes the window and the controls in the window. If ab_recursion is true, objects in the user object and tab controls will be resized as well.

of_resize ( window aw_window, integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight, boolean ab_recursion )

Syntax 3: Resizes the DataWindow control. Normally the DataWindow control will be resized with its parent container, therefore, it is not recommended to call this function to resize it.

of_resize ( datawindow adw, integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight, boolean ab_zoom, integer ai_type, decimal ad_maxrate )

Syntax 4: Resizes the DataWindow control. Normally the DataWindow control will be resized with its parent container, therefore, it is not recommended to call this function to resize it.

of_resize ( datawindow adw, integer ai_newwidth, integer ai_newheight, decimal ad_maxrate )


au_uo - The name of the user object container to be resized.

aw_window - The name of the window to be resized.

adw - The name of the DataWindow to be resized.

ai_newwidth - The new width of the user object container, the window, or the DataWindow.

ai_newheight - The new height of the user object container, the window, or the DataWindow.

ab_zoom - Sets whether the DataWindow control is resizable.

ai_type - The type of resizing. See of_zoom for more.

ad_maxrate - The maximum resize ratio.

ab_recursion - When true, the controls contained in the user object container or the window will be resized as well; when false, only the user object container or the window will be resized.

Return value




Sets the flag of a control or object, so that the control or object will be resized differently.


of_setflag ( windowobject awo, string as_flag )


awo - The name of the object or control.

as_flag - The flag of the object or control. The value of flag is composed of 4 digits, by default it is "1111".

The first digit indicates the resize behavior of the x coordinate: 0 - Keeps unchanged; 1 - Changes proportionally; 2 - Moves to right horizontally.

The second digit indicates the resize behavior of the y coordinate: 0 - Keeps unchanged; 1 - Changes proportionally; 2 - Moves down vertically.

The third digit indicates the resize behavior of the width: 0 - Keeps unchanged; 1 - Changes proportionally; 2 - Extends to right horizontally; 3 - Extends to left horizontally; 4 - Extends to right edge; 5 - Extends to left edge.

The fourth digit indicates the resize behavior of the height: 0 - Keeps unchanged; 1 - Changes proportionally; 2 - Extends down vertically; 3 - Extends up vertically; 4 - Extends to the bottom; 5 - Extends to the top.

Return value




Restarts the auto-resizing service for a control or object. It is used in pair with of_stop.


of_start ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value




Stops the auto-resizing service for a control or object. It is used in pair with of_start.


of_stop ( windowobject awo )


awo - The name of the object or control.

Return value


of_stringtoarray (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Splits a string into an array.


of_stringtoarray ( string as_input, ref string as_array[], string as_flag )

Return value


of_typeof (internal function)


This is an internal function that will be automatically called when resize script is executed.

Checks the type of a control or an object.


of_typeof ( windowobject awo_control )

Return value

String. The type of the control or the object.



Determines whether to turn on or off the resizing feature for a DataWindow control.


of_zoom ( boolean ab_zoom, integer ai_type )

of_zoom ( boolean ab_zoom, integer ai_type, decimal adec_rate )


ab_zoom - When true, resizing feature for the DataWindow control is enabled; when false, resizing feature is disabled.

ai_type - 1 - Resizes proportionally with height; 2 - Resizes proportionally with width; 3 - Resizes with height or width whichever has the smaller change in proportion; 4: Resizes with height or width whichever has the bigger change in proportion.

adec_rate - The maximum resizing rate of the DataWindow control. By default, it is 3, which means the DataWindow control can be resized by no more than 300%.

Return value
