Appeon Resize PBL is named appeon_resize.pbl, located in the \appeon_workaroundsxxxe (xxx indicates the PowerBuilder version) folder under the Appeon Developer installation directory. For example, C:\Program Files\Appeon\Developer2015\appeon_workarounds125e.
To use the objects provided in the Appeon Resize PBL, you will need to add the appeon_resize.pbl library to the Library Search Path of the application.
Appeon Resize PBL provides the following objects that help developers easily resize UI elements to fit with multiple screens, especially for the mobile apps.
eon_appeon_resize: this object provides you the greatest control and flexibility on the resizing of the window, controls, user objects, and font. It also allows you to dynamically change the resize behavior for a particular window/user object/control at runtime.
eon_cst_resize, eon_cst_resizeattrib, & eon_cst_resizecompose: these three objects are extracted from the PFC resize service and enhanced by Appeon to greatly reduce the complexity of coding. If you want to resize only the window and the user object container (not the controls and font), you can consider using these objects.