If Appeon Server is installed to EAServer, whichever database and JDBC driver you use for the deployed application, you must add the following PowerBuilder component support files to the %JAGUAR%\lib\ext directory in the Appeon Server computer. %JAGUAR% indicates the installation path of the EAServer that hosts Appeon Server:
Table 11. PowerBuilder component support files
PB Version |
File Name |
8 |
pbjdbc12.jar |
9 |
pbjdbc1290.jar |
10 |
pbjdbc12100.jar |
10.5 |
pbjdbc12105.jar |
11.1 |
pbjdbc12110.jar |
11.5 |
pbjdbc12115.jar |
12.0 |
pbjdbc12120.jar |
12.5 |
pbjdbc12125.jar |
12.6 |
pbjdbc12126.jar |
Retrieve the file from the %Sybase%\Shared\PowerBuilder folder. Make sure the version of the file is the same as the version of PowerBuilder that Appeon supports.
Before you configure a JDBC data source for your application database, the following JDBC driver file(s) must be copied to the Appeon Server computer. Following is the checklist of the JDBC driver file(s) that should be copied to the directory.
Table 12. Checklist of JDBC driver files
Database |
Driver Type |
Driver Files |
Availability of the Driver Files |
SAP ASA/SQL Anywhere 8.0.2, 9.0, 10.0.1, 11.0, or 12.0 |
jConnect JDBC driver (Recommended) |
jconn2.jar for jConnect 5.5, or jconn3.jar for jConnect 6 |
Available at %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-5_5\classes or at %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-6_0\classes. Note: Install sql_asa.sql provided at %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-5_5\sp for jConnect to function properly. |
iAnywhere JDBC-ODBC driver |
For Appeon Servers on Windows: dbjodbc8.dll, dbjodbc9.dll, or dbjodbc10.dll jodbc.jar For Appeon Servers on Unix\Linux: dbjodbc8.so jodbc.jar |
Available in SAP ASA 8.0.2 Build 4361 or above. For earlier versions, you can obtain the files from http://www.sybase.com/downloads. Note: dbjodbc8.dll or dbjodbc9.dll must be copied to %Sybase%\Shared\jdkversion\ire\bin\. Jdkversion indicates which version of JDK is used, for example, jdk1.4.1_03. |
Sun JDBC-ODBC driver |
- |
Bundled with the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, so there is no need to download it separately. |
ASE 12.5.x or 15.x |
jConnect JDBC driver |
jconn2.jar for jConnect 5.5 jconn3.jar for jConnect 6.0 Note: ASE 15 supports jConnect 6.0 only. |
Available at %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-5_5\classes or at %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-6_0\classes. Note: Install sql_server12.5.sql for ASE 12.5 or sql_server15.0.sql for ASE 15 for jConnect to function properly. |
SAP IQ 12.7.x or 15.x |
jConnect JDBC driver |
jconn2.jar for jConnect 5.5 jconn3.jar for jConnect 6.0 |
Available at %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-5_5\classes or %Sybase%\Shared\jConnect-6_0\classes. |
Sun JDBC-ODBC driver |
- |
Bundled with the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, so there is no need to download it separately. |
SAP HANA 1.00.36 |
SAP In-Memory Database JDBC driver |
Ngdbc.jar |
Available at %SAP HANA%\hdbclient\ngdbc.jar. |
Oracle 8i |
Oracle JDBC driver |
classes12.zip Oracle8i Patch nls_charset12.zip |
Available at the Oracle Web site (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html). |
Oracle 9i |
Oracle JDBC driver |
For use with JDK 1.3: classes12.zip nls_charset12.zip For use with JDK 1.4: Ojdbc14.jar |
Available at the Oracle Web site (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html). Note: Classes12.zip and ojdbc14.jar cannot be placed in the same location and used at the same time. |
Oracle 10g or 11g |
Oracle JDBC driver |
For use with JDK 1.4: Ojdbc14.jar For use with JDK 1.5: Ojdbc15.jar |
Available at the Oracle Web site (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html). Note: Ojdbc14.jar and ojdbc15.jar cannot be placed in the same location and used at the same time. |
SQL Server 2000 |
jTDS JDBC driver (Recommended) |
jtds-1.2.jar |
Available at SourceForge Web site (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtds/). Note: You need to download the jtds-1.2-dist.zip file, which contains the jtds-1.2.jar file. According to our tests, jTDS JDBC driver is better than Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver in the way that it can prevent memory leak and boost performance. |
Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver |
msbase.jar mssqlserver.jar msutil.jar |
Available at the Microsoft Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=99b21b65-e98f-4a61-b811-19912601fdc9&displaylang=en). Note: The files have different versions. Make sure the file sizes are equal or close to the following. msbase.jar: 281KB mssqlserver.jar: 66KB msutil.jar: 58KB |
SQL Server 2005, 2008 or 2012 |
jTDS JDBC driver (Recommended) |
jtds-1.2.jar |
Available at SourceForge Web site (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtds/). Note: You need to download the jtds-1.2-dist.zip file, which contains the jtds-1.2.jar file. |
Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver |
sqljdbc.jar |
Available at the Microsoft Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=99b21b65-e98f-4a61-b811-19912601fdc9&displaylang=en). |
DB2 UDB 8.1, 8.2, 9.5 or 10.x |
IBM JDBC driver |
db2java.zip and/or db2jcc.jar |
Available in the java or java12 folder of the DB2 Server installation directory. The JDBC driver must be exactly the same version as DB2. |
Informix 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x or 11.x |
IBM Informix JDBC driver |
ifxjdbc.jar and/or ifxjdbcx.jar |
Available at the IBM Web site (http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/download/search.jsp?go=y&rs=ifxjdbc). |
MySQL 5.5.x |
MySQL Connector/J |
mysql-connector-java-5.1.19-bin.jar |
Available at %MySQL%\MySQL Connector J\mysql-connector-java-5.x.jar |
Teradata 13.0 |
Teradata JDBC driver |
terajdbc4.jar tdgssconfig.jar |
Available at the Teradata Web site (http://downloads.teradata.com/download/connectivity/jdbc-driver). |
Copy the JDBC driver files to the proper directory in Appeon Server. The directory varies with the type of application server that Appeon Server is installed to, as shown in the table below.
Note: Configuring JDBC driver files in NetWeaver Application Server is different from those listed. For details on deploying JDBC driver files in NetWeaver Application Server, refer to Setting up data source for NetWeaver.
Table 13. Copy drivers to Appeon Server
Server Type |
Directory for Storing JDBC Files |
EAServer |
For Windows: %JAGUAR%\lib\ext directory For Unix\Linux: $JAGUAR/lib/ext |
WebLogic |
It can be any directory, but the directory path and name must be added in the ClassPath variable of the startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or startWebLogic.sh (Unix\Linux) file. If the directory is %WL_HOME%\server\lib folder (Windows) or $WL_HOME/server/lib (Unix\Linux), where %WL_HOME% is the installation folder of the WebLogic server (for example, C:\bea\weblogic81\), it is unnecessary to update the ClassPath variable. |
WebSphere |
For Windows: %WAS_HOME%\lib (%WAS_HOME% is the installation folder of the WebSphere server) For Unix\Linux: $WAS_HOME/lib |
JBoss |
For Windows: %JBOSS_HOME%\server\instance\lib (%JBOSS_HOME% indicates the JBoss installation path) For Unix\Linux: $JBOSS_HOME/server/instance/lib |
For Windows: %JEUS_HOME%\lib\datasource (%JEUS_HOME% indicates the JEUS installation path) For Unix\Linux: $JEUS_HOME/lib/datasource |
Important Note: Remember to restart Appeon Server after copying files.
If EAServer is running as service, you need to re-install EAServer service, or stop the EAServer service and start EAServer from the Windows start menu, otherwise, you will encounter the "Exception was:javax.management.MBeanException" error when creating the data source. For details, refer to the section called “Failed to create new data sources” in Appeon Troubleshooting Guide.