For PDFFormField and PDFFormFieldGroup

Applies to

PDFFormField objects, and PDFFormFieldGroup


Gets or sets the border style of the content in the PDFFormField or PDFFormFieldGroup object.

Data type

PDFFormFieldBorderStyle. It is an enumerated datatype, which has the following values:

  • PDFFormFieldBorderStyle_Solid!

  • PDFFormFieldBorderStyle_Beveled!

  • PDFFormFieldBorderStyle_Dashed!

  • PDFFormFieldBorderStyle_Inset!

  • PDFFormFieldBorderStyle_Underline!


In scripts

This example shows how to set the border style of the content in a PDFFormFieldText object:

lpdf_fieldtext.borderstyle = PDFFormFieldBorderStyle_Underline!