For PDFText, PDFTextBlock, PDFMultilineText, PDFFormField and PDFFormFieldGroup objects

Applies to

PDFText object, PDFTextBlock object, PDFMultilineText object, PDFFormField object and PDFFormFieldGroup object.


Gets or sets the back color of the content in the PDFText/PDFTextBlock/PDFMultilineText/PDFFormField/PDFFormFieldGroup object.

Data type



In scripts

This example shows how to set the back color of the content in a PDFText/PDFTextBlock object:

lpdf_text = create PDFtext
lpdf_text.backcolor.rgb = rgb(255,0,0)
lpdf_text.textcolor.rgb = rgb(0,255,0)
lpdf_text.font.fontsize = 38
lpdf_text.content = "I am PDFtext text"