For PDFFormFieldComboBox, PDFFormFieldListBox, PDFFormFieldPushButton, and PDFFormFieldText objects

Applies to

PDFFormFieldComboBox, PDFFormFieldListBox, PDFFormFieldPushButton, and PDFFormFieldText objects


Gets or sets the text alignment in the object.

Data type


The PDFFormFieldTextAlignment is an enumerated datatype that can hold the following values:

Enumerated Value Meaning
PDFFormFieldTextAlign_Left! Left aligned.
PDFFormFieldTextAlign_Center! Center aligned.
PDFFormFieldTextAlign_Right! Right aligned.



In scripts

The Alignment property sets the alignment of the text in the object.

The following example sets the alignment of the PDFFormFieldComboBox object lpdf_combobox as left aligned.

lpdf_combobox.alignment = PDFFormFieldTextAlignment_Left!