

Specifies whether PowerBuilder should trim trailing spaces from data values retrieved from the following datatypes: Char, NChar, Text, NText, Char for Bit Data, VarChar, NVarChar, and VarChar for Bit Data.

Applies to


ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise

INF Informix

IN9 Informix


O90 Oracle9i

O10 Oracle 10g

SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server

MSOLEDBSQL Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server






Specifies whether PowerBuilder should trim trailing spaces from data of type Char, NChar, Text, NText, Char for Bit Data, VarChar, NVarChar, and VarChar for Bit Data. Values are:

  • 0

    Do not trim trailing spaces.

  • 1

    (Default) Trim trailing spaces.

Default value

TrimSpaces=0 (ADO.NET, O90, O10, SNC, and IN9) or TrimSpaces=1 (ASE and SYC). For ODBC, the default values depend on the PBTrimCharColumns value in the PBODBnnn.INI file. (If the PBTrimCharColumns keyword is missing for a particular database connection, the default value for the ODBC interface is TrimSpaces=0.)


By default, PowerBuilder trims spaces from the following datatypes: Char, NChar, Text, NText, Char for Bit Data, VarChar, NVarChar, and VarChar for Bit Data.

ODBC database interface

Some ODBC drivers, such as SQL Anywhere, trim trailing spaces before the data reaches the fetch buffer -- even when TrimSpaces is set to 0.

If your DBMS makes a distinction between Char data with trailing spaces and Char data without trailing spaces when evaluating a WHERE clause expression, you might receive the message Row changed between retrieve and update when your DataWindow object's update properties are set to "Key and updateable columns". To prevent this, change your DataWindow object's update properties. In embedded SQL, you can check Sqlca.Sqlnrows after each update to determine if the update took place. Avoid using Char data columns in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement when TrimSpaces=1.


To specify that PowerBuilder should not trim trailing spaces:

  • Database profile

    Clear the Trim Trailing Spaces In CHAR Data check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:
