A string containing the full path of the ADO.NET custom driver.
When to specify DriverFile
You must specify the DriverFile parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ADO.NET custom driver
Default value
Select Custom Driver from the Provider drop-down list and specify the full path of the driver on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for ADO.NET. (Relative paths, current directory paths, or environment variables are not supported.)
To use the ADO.NET custom driver to connect to a database:
Database profile
Select Custom Driver from the Provider drop-down list and specify the full path of the driver on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for ADO.NET.
Type the following in code:
Provider='Custom Driver',DriverFile='D:\mysql\mysqlconnector.2.4.0\lib\net8.0\MySqlConnector.dll'
Below is a code example for how to concatenate the full path of the MySQL driver with the current directory of the application and then connect with the database (suppose you distribute the driver "Driver_net8.0\MySqlConnector.dll" in the same directory as the application).
String ls_DriverPath String ls_CurrentDirectory //Get the current directory of the application and cancatenate the driver path ls_CurrentDirectory = GetCurrentDirectory ( ) If Right(ls_CurrentDirectory,1) <> '\' And Right(ls_CurrentDirectory,1) <> '/' Then ls_DriverPath = ls_currentDirectory + '\Driver_net8.0\MySqlConnector.dll' Else ls_DriverPath = ls_currentDirectory + 'Driver_net8.0\MySqlConnector.dll' End If // Profile ADO_Mysql SQLCA.DBMS = "ADO.Net" SQLCA.LogPass = "test123!@#" SQLCA.LogId = "root" SQLCA.AutoCommit = False SQLCA.DBParm = "Provider='Custom Driver',DriverFile='"+ls_DriverPath+"',PROVIDERSTRING='server=;database=mysql'" Connect; If SQLCA.SQLCode <> 0 Then Messagebox("Connect Database Failed","SQLCode:"+String(SQLCA.SQLCode)+"~r~nSQLErrText:"+SQLCA.SQLERRText) Return End If Open(w_main)