Specifies whether Oracle should maintain connections in a pool. An Oracle connection pool is a group of reusable physical connections spanning several sessions and managed by the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). The CNNPool DBParm is maintained in the ORA driver for backward compatibility only. It is ignored if you use the Pooling DBParm.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
Default value
If CnnPool='Yes', the Oracle client creates a connection pool and can connect to Oracle9i, and Oracle 10g Server. The pool contains physical connections to Oracle Server and is managed by the OCI. The pool persists until PowerBuilder terminates or OCI.dll is unloaded.
PowerBuilder can connect to 10 different Oracle servers, as distinguished by service name, concurrently. There can be no more than 20 connections per pool. Each pool is created by the Oracle9i or later client and might also contain connections to Oracle8 and Oracle8i servers. Once a connection pool has been created, PowerBuilder maintains the physical connections until it terminates or OCI.DLL is unloaded.
To use connection pooling:
Database profile
Enter values in the following fields of the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Profile Name -- Example value: 08i-pool
Host -- Provide the full net service name created by Oracle Net. Example value:
Login ID -- Example value: scott
Connect as -- Choose an item from the drop-down menu. Example value: Normal
Make sure Use Connection Pool is selected.
Type the following in code where password, server_name, and login are the appropriate values for your connection:
SQLCA.DBMS="O90 Oracle9i (9.0.1)" SQLCA.LogPass=<password> SQLCA.ServerName="server_name" SQLCA.LogId="login" SQLCA.AutoCommit=False SQLCA.DBParm="CnnPool='Yes'"
See also