Table of Contents
- The Round function with a double argument does not consistently round correctly
- PostURL() of the Inet object sometimes returning -6
- How to get the X and Y coordinates of a Grid DataWindow row?
- The Ascending property on the SORT gets lost
- PowerObject array values in a structure being overwritten
- PowerClient/PowerServer applications crash when multiple instances are run in PowerBuilder 2021 build 1506
- GlobalMemoryStatus returns 0 on 64-bit operating system
- The RegistryGet() function doesn't work on Windows 7
- Updating contents of blob
- PowerBuilder xor FUNCky migration issue from PowerBuilder 9 to PowerBuilder 2017
- PowerBuilder using ADO.NET causing System.InvalidOperationException: This SQLTransaction has completed, it is no longer usable
- Calling a Stored Procedure in PowerBuilder results in 'Invalid character value for cast specification' error
- The IsNumber function returns the incorrect
- SelectedText() returning empty string for DropDownListBox
- The result of dividing LongLong data by a number is incorrect
- Application containing PFC crashes after being upgraded from Sybase PowerBuilder to PowerBuilder 2017 R3 or later
- SelectBlob is truncated when the embedded SQL statement exceeds 512 characters
- The external API function returns garbled characters
- Printing fails and the application does not respond