
Table of Contents

Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19.0.0 for SQL Server is not working
How to solve "ERROR: column p.adsrc does not exist" with PostgreSQL
Getting a SQLSTATE=21000 error when running SQL using the OLEDB database driver
SQL Server Text DataType issue with SNC driver
Crash upon OData connection in deployment
DBMS ASE is not supported in your current installation
PB odbc connecting to mssql maps date and datetime2 to char(10)
ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position
Executing Informix Stored Procedure results in "Numeric value out of range" error message
StripParmNames='Yes' is not working when PBNewSPInvocation='Yes' is used in the DBparm
Oracle Library OCI.DLL could not be loaded
DB2 CHAR to VARCHAR conversion error
PowerBuilder calling a db2 stored procedure results in a sqlstate=38503 SQL1131N error
How to set the isolation level with the SNC native database interface
Deployed PowerBuilder application executable cannot connect to the database
Upgraded to Windows 7 and Oracle tables are not visible in the PowerBuilder database painter
UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT
PowerBuilder pipeline issue connected to Oracle 11g using the O10 Oracle10g (10.1.0) DB interface
Informix Dynamic SQL Format 2 returning -201: A syntax error has occurred
DB2 INSERT to nullable column with default results in Assignment of a NULL value to a NOT NULL column error
PowerBuilder and Informix ODBC connection
PowerBuilder support for ASE 16
UpdateBlob not working on proxy tables
Calling Oracle stored procedures and functions
Adaptive Server Enterprise data truncated using roman8 charset
DB2 CHAR to VARCHAR conversion error
How to change the password of the ASE database when PowerBuilder is running
How to map data pipeline source columns to destination columns