Authenticates all sessions in a session pool with the user name and password in effect when the session pool was created.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SessionHomogeneous =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies restrictions on authentication values for a session pool. Values are:
Default value
False, but this value is meaningless if session pooling is not set.
When set to True, all sessions in the session pool are authenticated with the user name and password in effect when the pool was created. The user name and password in later connection requests are ignored. Proxy sessions cannot be created in homogeneous session mode.
The following example enables homogeneous session pooling:
Database profile
Select Session Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select the Homogeneous Session Pooling check box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm="Pooling='session', SessionHomogeneous='Yes'"
See also