

Specifies the section in a .NET configuration file to be used to specify custom configuration settings.

When to specify DBConfigSection

You must specify a value for DBConfigSection before connecting to the database.

Applies to







A string that specifies the section in a .NET configuration file to be used to specify DBParm values and the syntax used to obtain the value of an identity column. The value is the name of a section you create in a .NET configuration file.

Default value



You can use the standard select @@identity syntax to obtain the value of an identity column. You can also use an alternative syntax, such as select scope_identity(), by adding sections to a .NET configuration file for your application.

The configuration file resides in the same directory as the application and has the same name as the application with the extension .config. It can contain multiple custom configuration sections. Each has two attributes: dbParm and getIdentity. You can set either or both of these attributes. For Web applications, add the settings to the web.config file.

The dbParm value sets the value of the DBParm parameter of the transaction object. It has a maximum length of 1000 characters. If you set a value for a parameter in the configuration file, any value that you set in code or in the Database Profile Setup dialog box is overridden.

The getIdentity value specifies the syntax used to retrieve the value of an identity column. It has a maximum length of 100 characters. If you do not specify a value for getIdentity, the select @@identity syntax is used.

For more information about creating the configuration file, see the section called “Getting identity column values” in Connecting to Your Database.


To specify that your PowerBuilder application uses the custom configuration file called myconfig1:

  • Database profile

    Specify myconfig1 in the ConfigSection Name in Configuration File box on the System tabpage in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:
