Applies to
MLSynchronization, MLSync objects
Write-only property used to store error and diagnostic messages generated when a synchronization function is called incorrectly.
The ErrorText value is returned to the synchronization object from the MobiLink Server.
In scripts
In the Clicked event of a command button, you can cause the ErrorText value to display in the multiline edit box of a status window as follows:
parent.mle_error.text = mlsync.errortext
Applies to
DotNetAssembly objects
This property stores the error and diagnostic messages returned from .NET if LoadWithDotNetFramework/LoadWithDotNetCore or CreateInstance functions return a value other than 1; for example, when LoadWithDotNetFramework function failed to find a valid assembly or dependent file is missing; or CreateInstance function failed to find the constructor function etc.
The property value will be cleared after the function is successfully called.
In scripts
DotNetObject lcs_obj DotNetAssembly lcs_ass long ll_return //Instantiates the object lcs_ass = create DotNetAssembly lcs_obj = create DotNetObject //Loads the DLL ll_return = lcs_ass.LoadWithDotNetFramework ("OraClient.dll", false) if ll_return < 0 then //Prompts a message when failed to load DLL messagebox ("LoadDll Failed", lcs_ass.errortext) return end if //Creates the instance ll_return = lcs_ass.createinstance ("OraClient.class1", lcs_obj) if ll_return < 0 then //Prompts a message when failed to create instance messagebox ("CreateInstance Failed", lcs_ass.errortext) return end if