Applies to
RibbonBar controls
Specifies the theme of the RibbonBar. If the application is set with a theme, then the theme selected for the application will take effect and this BuiltinTheme property will be ignored.
Default is 0. Currently the default is mapping to Flat Design Blue. Values are:
0 -- Default
1 -- Flat Design Blue
2 -- Flat Design Dark
3 -- Flat Design Grey
4 -- Flat Design Silver
In a painter
To set BuiltinTheme property for RibbonBar:
Select the RibbonBar control.
Select a theme from the BuiltinTheme list on the General page of the control's Properties view.
In scripts
This statement selects the Flat Design Dark theme for the RibbonBar control:
rbb_1.BuiltinTheme = 2